Assister is making software assistants easier and safer for all

Assister AI Digital AssistantsFor software developers today, if they want to integrate an assistant into their products, they either have to rely on a third-party service, integrate with a general-purpose solution like Siri or Cortana, or limit themselves to the low value add features like FAQs and basic questions. But most developers want more capability – they want the strength of a full-featured system, with the nuance of their software. That is where Assister comes into play.

This system is designed to help software developers implement a natural language assistant into their products without having to spend the incredible amount of time and resources to build the technology themselves. What that means is that they can allow their users to ask questions or, more interestingly, pose complex challenges, in the same way they would ask another person. Imagine if your bank allowed you to ask the app, “How much money have I spent on tacos this month?” instead of looking at a list and filtering by transaction type. Or how about being able to ask Facebook messenger, “When was the last time I talked with Michele?” rather than trying to find her on your conversation list. All of this and more is possible through Assister.

Most importantly, this technology can live within the company’s platform. This means that there is no need to transfer data between systems. If the bank were to integrate that question into Siri, it would require them to give Apple the answer to the question to display on your screen. By keeping everything housed within the platform, developers no longer have to share critical information with third parties, protecting your privacy and theirs.

For more information about Assister, or to get a demo of the platform, check out the company’s website.

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HealthCasa will bring the doctor to you when and where you need them

HealthCasa Podiatry ServicesNot everyone realizes that 25% of the bones in their bodies are found in the feet. Foot care is so incredibly important to your overall health. They carry you for your entire life. That is the reason you need to have regular care for them. However, scheduling and keeping appointments can be hard because of work commitments or just a busy lifestyle in general. That’s where Mike Gasper has a great idea for helping you keep up with your optimum foot health regime. He is the founder and COO of HealthCasa, a tech-enabled platform that can deliver podiatric services and/or orthopedic appointments at the patient’s home or office.

The first thing that has to happen is for the person to realize and accept that there is indeed a problem. You sign up for the address of the location of the patient. You then decide on the time of the appointment depending on your availability. You then find the doctor that is available for you, according to who is participating. With this system, it allows the doctors to focus on being doctors and not on the business aspect of running an office.

Some people are very anxious about seeing a doctor, especially for the first time. HealthCasa wants to relieve that from the picture. Communication is the key to putting people at ease and talking to them will help with that. HealthCasa feels that they are a family helping others and that feeling can and does extend to the patients.

Mike’s goal is currently to stay in the podiatric field and to grow and develop. Down the road, he hopes to bring other fields onboard. He currently is in the Toronto area but hopes to branch out into the greater Ontario area. To find a doctor and book an appointment, go to the website.

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Alavida Health can return control of your life from alcohol dependence

Alavida Alcohol RecoveryAlcohol is one of the first things that every culture creates, and yet it is one of the biggest health and social issues for people around the world. There have always been programs to help people deal with the issue, but it tends to be a one size fits all kind of solution, and involves abandoning drinking altogether. But that is not the solution for everyone – many people just need some help to taper down their drinking habits. That’s where Alavida Health comes in, with a service to help people lower their alcohol intake gradually.

Rather than going cold turkey from heavy drinking to no drinking, this course helps a person to get their behaviors under control. This is done with a series of evidence-based processes and treatments that are guided by a wide knowledge base and at the hand of doctors and therapists, with special training in alcohol addiction. These medical professionals are available to help you through the process, either through in-person visits, phone calls, or using secure video conferencing. This team is there to help you when you need it so that you can be proud of your results in under 6 months.

Within the system, you can also track your daily activities, and log what your connected behaviors were. This gives you and your care team the ability to identify what your triggers are to help you address them. If you can identify what drives you to drink, it is far easier to address those triggers head-on. There are also tools for your loved ones and support network to receive assistance and to help give it to you.

Alavida’s outpatient program is available now. For more information on how it works, to take the assessment, or to get in touch with the company, check out their website.

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Homewise takes the guesswork and frustration out of getting a mortgage

Homewise Mortgage FinderNo part of buying a house is pleasant. It requires dealing with real estate agents and loan agents, whose goals are not necessarily the same. It requires understanding the terms of contracts that can be difficult and detailed, often written in such a way as to confuse you. And, on top of it, it is one of the biggest decisions in life, making it stressful on its own. Fortunately, part of the process is about to get a lot easier thanks to Homewise.

This new platform is designed to help people get the best mortgage for them, whether that be in the pre-approval, approval, switch, or refinancing stage of ownership. This is accomplished by working with over 30 lenders, each with their specialties and programs. By taking into consideration all of the available offerings, Homewise can find the terms and conditions that match your needs and your capabilities. Most importantly, the platform will be able to save you the most money it can.

The company’s goal is to save its users $20k each while making the process transparent and understandable. That is a lofty goal but is something accomplishable through the algorithms that are in place. To date, the company has been able to help secure over $750 million in mortgages in Canada. The best part of it all is that it doesn’t cost the users anything to use the platform.

Homewise also wants to make the homeownership experience for people in need. As part of this goal, the company works with Habitat for Humanity to help people who are less fortunate secure homes, too, through a program they call Home Karma.

Homewise is available to customers in Canada right now, with hopes to expand outside of the country in the future. Try the service now for free.

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Healthy Dining is a world-wide app for plant-based restaurants

Healthy Dining Vegan Restaurant FinderPeople that live on a plant-based diet have special needs. They require an environment that is restrictive in that they cannot have any cross-contamination of certain foods. Some do not eat any dairy or animal by-products or any foods that animals are involved in, in ay way, such as honey being produced by bees. This can be incredibly difficult when dining out especially in a new and unfamiliar area. That’s where Healthy Dining becomes your friend.

This app provides a location-based curated list of plant-based restaurants that allows you to eat out safely and not have to worry about your restrictions and cross-contamination. In addition to being able to find the ideal places to eat, Healthy Dining allows you to find others who, like you, want to share meals and dining experiences. You create a profile from which others can see and it brings together new friends who have a common bond. In this app, you can view the menu options of the restaurants, and see what specials they have to offer as well as read any reviews posted. The location is chosen by the city, state or zip code.

Restaurants cannot be vegan- or vegetarian-friendly or simply offer vegan and vegetarian options; the entire menu must comply with vegan or vegetarian standards. Ebony McCormick, founder and CEO of Healthy Dining, has individually verified each restaurant on the platform for compliance. For Ebony, part of her research is reaching out to restaurants to make sure not only does the food that is served follow her requirements but the facility itself also has to. There are currently 1500 restaurants available to review and the number is growing.

The app is currently available for $1.99 to download and to allow more profiles to view, it is $1.99 per month. For more information go to her website.

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Deep Money is bringing the power of AI to personal investments Stock InvestmentStock markets can be a difficult beast for most people to understand. How do you maintain a portfolio be it a small personal portfolio or a full hedge fund, keep it diverse enough to protect itself, as well as profitable? It requires a lot of work, a lot of information, and the ability to make decisions based on all of that. People are okay at pulling all of that together, but computers are getting to be better at it. That’s where Deep Money comes in.

This artificial intelligence system is designed to watch for certain leading indicators across a stock market and make buying and selling decisions and predictions based on those indicators. Large investors, like hedge funds, use technology like this every day to manage their millions of dollars, but nothing lie it has never been available to the average investor. Now, everyone can have the ability to manage their money, no matter how much, without having to hover over a computer all day, every day.

Deep Money is so confident in their technology that they are putting their money where their mouth is. They believe that the only way to prove out the technology is to use it in live markets. As part of that test, they are developing an in-house hedge fund which will be the first-ever fully autonomous hedge fund in Latin America and will be built on their technology.

The platform also offers a robust API, allowing customers to build additional systems on top of the existing technology. This could be a custom reporting application or a complete way to manage and maintain your investments.

The platform is live right now in the US and India, with the company running live tests in the market. For more information on Deep Money, check out the company’s website.

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BantuFin wants to bring transparency to credit confidence score

BantuFin Credit ScoreIn the United States, we have had an established credit system for a long time. While the system is good at the thing it was designed to do, the world has gotten more complex. The value of a single, combined number when applying for a new cell phone plan, for example, is not the same as the value of that number for a large transaction, like a mortgage. More information is always better than less information when making an important decision. Providing that detailed information is the ultimate goal of BantuFin, a new take on payment reporting.

The system works on a familiar concept of 5-star ratings. But, rather than being a hidden, secret sauce value, you can dig down into the reasons behind the value. To use the previous example of a cell phone account, perhaps the company isn’t interested in the credit card you got tricked into in college but instead is only interested to see that you have never defaulted on a wireless carrier before. That information can create a better, more informed decision.

More important than augmenting an aging system in the US, there are countries across the world that have no way of reporting payment history at all. BantuFin can easily integrate into those places and bring a new and important aspect to an emerging economy.

In addition to the reporting features, BantuFin has a host of features for the individual as well. You can see your overall committed expenditures in one place, so you can easily build a financial plan for payments and savings. You can also get a real-time view of your score and the individual aspects that have lead to that score.

BantuFin is available now through invitation. To find out more about the platform, how it works, or to request an invitation, check out their website.

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Common Networks is developing a wireless home internet service

Common NetworksA Stable internet connection is one of the most important parts of modern life. For most people, if they’re at home and the internet connection goes down, they don’t know what to do with themselves. We rely on it for work, entertainment and, for some of us, even for food. Somehow, despite our reliance on the technology, it has not improved in any meaningful way in years. Most of us still rely on copper wires that were placed in the ground decades ago to provide our connection to the outside world. Common Networks has a new idea, using a decentralized wireless network structure to make installation easy and connectivity nearly unbreakable.

Using a combination of wireless technologies, the company is producing a wide-area mesh network. This means that if one node is damaged, the network traffic can route around the bad node and keep your internet connection alive. It also means that the network setup is less expensive to maintain because there will be no emergency late-night service tech calls, which can be a huge cost for a network operator. This cost-saving is passed on to the users, with 300 Mbps running only $49 per month with no installation fee, additional taxes, or equipment rentals.

Impressively, this is accomplished without the speed degradation we have seen with previous wireless networks. When 4G, both LTE and WiMax, came about, companies tried to build home systems on top of that technology. Unfortunately, the strength of the signal and the design of the networks made it impossible. That is no longer the case, as Common Networks has worked through those issues, designing a custom network infrastructure that is cloud-controlled and self-healing.

The company is in active development of its network in a handful of cities in California, with hopes to expand beyond the state. For more information and to see if your address is covered, check out their website.

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LISA Life Saving RobotWhile it may not be at the forefront of most of our minds, drowning is a huge problem. Every 60 seconds, someone in the world dies from drowning. Children are particularly at risk because they have less self-awareness, spatial awareness, and life experience to prevent a dangerous situation and to alleviate one that has already begun. Because of this ever-present danger, a new robot from Health Sonics has entered the scene, and her name is LISA.

LISA is a truly life-saving robot, intended to help prevent this high number of deaths. She accomplishes this in a couple of steps. The first is through detection and alert. This works similarly to other detection machines, recognizing the signs of a struggle and alerting an outside party, such as a parent or emergency services.

While this is a good feature, it is not unique. Where LISA sets herself apart from other detection systems is that she can actively come to the rescue of the person in trouble. While LISA is alerting the outside world to trouble, she is also able to swim to the person in need and bring them back to the surface of the water. She does this by wrapping herself around the person and holding them above the surface.

In addition to the feature of maintaining the drowning person above the water, LISA also monitors vital signs. This is helpful for the people who come to the rescue, whether it be a family member or emergency services. This could be an essential piece of the puzzle for helping to make sure that the rescue is a success.

LISA is available for pre-order now and is designed to work in both private, public, and commercial pool environments. For more information about LISA, or to pre-order your LISA, check out the company’s website.

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Allergy Butler: a smart approach to airborne allergies in your home

Allergy Butler Home Allergy CareAllergy Butler is a full-service airborne allergy service that brings FDA-approved testing and therapies that can bring you and your family lasting allergy relief, without the need to spend hours at a doctors office. The founder’s family suffered from debilitating airborne allergies, and it is in that spirit that they wanted to offer everyone a convenient allergy treatment that actually works, by bringing together the best research, technology, and experience for you.

Allergies are the 3rd most common chronic disease. Between 30 and 40% of all Americans suffer from them, while also being responsible for 70% of asthma flare-ups, 65% of respiratory infections, and 80% of ear, nose, and throat infections. The service works in 12 easy steps. They arrive at your home, get your basic health information and vitals. They then perform an allergy test, utilizing Comforten: a method that places tiny barbs on your arm that you can barely see and feels as though someone laid a wire brush across your skin. Placing the device 3 times on each arm, they can test for 58 allergens common in your area in addition to 2 control allergens. This is all done quickly because they are doing 10 at a time. Allergy Butler then measures your reaction to the allergens which often manifest as small bumps similar to mosquito bites.

Inputting that information into their software analyzes your results against allergy research, chemistry, botany, biology and anatomy, and even weather patterns. This can provide instant results to create the perfect therapy. A week later they return to your home with a custom immunotherapy regiment, bringing you all the supplies you need, plus training you on everything you need to know. Once you’re trained you start your shots, using the smallest needles available, injecting into the abdomen because there is more fat and fewer nerves, resulting in less pain than in the arm.

If airborne allergies ail you, Allergy Butler may just be the solution. For more information visit the company’s website.

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