Future Seating wants to improve the way you spend your time @ CES 2021

X-Chair and Mavix Gaming chairsThe quality of the desk chair you use is incredibly important. We use them for work, for gaming, and even for downtime. However, too often, the chairs we use are really poor quality, or have been around too long (just ask Pam on The Office). But, now that many of us are working from home, we have the ability to choose our own chairs, and Future Seating has two lines designed to improve your life – X-Chair and Mavix Gaming.

X-Chair is a brand that has been around for a while and is focused on the office. The X-HMT is the model we were introduced to in the conversation. This chair sports a number of features designed to make the experience better. This desk chair offers massage capabilities, which are intended to maintain proper blood flow. You can use two levels of intensity, depending on how you feel. You can also choose between constant and variable modes. It also has therapeutic heating technologies, intended to relax muscles.

Mavix is a new brand and aimed at the gaming market. The company has taken all of its learnings from X-Chair and applied them to the Mavix line. It’s important because there are some capabilities that gamers might need that an office worker won’t. For example, Mavix chairs have the ability to lock the wheels. This is because physical reactions to in-game actions can cause problems in games. In addition, all models feature adjustable back, lumbar, seat depth, head and neck support, and tension recline, plus a cooling seating surface.

Chairs from both of the Future Seating brands, X-Chair and Mavix, are available now, with models ranging in price, depending on additional features. You can also get a variety of styles and colors. The company sells through its X-Chair and Mavix Gaming websites, and tries to ship product immediately upon order.

Interview by Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Fluo Labs is shining a neon light on allergy treatment @ CES 2021

Fluo Labs allergy treatmentIf you suffer from allergies, you know that they can be debilitating. Common items around you can cause you to suddenly struggle to breathe. Some people can’t have pets because of dander, even if they love them. Some people can’t have flowers around because of pollen. There are a variety of treatments, from pills to shots, that help alleviate the symptoms, but generally have side effects that can also affect your daily life. Fortunately, there is a new treatment from Fluo Labs.

The Fluo (which is French for fluorescent or neon) solution does not use pills and shots. Instead, the company uses a form of light therapy to address the common reaction to allergens. It comes in the form of a small electronic device that looks very similar to an electronic thermometer. Rather than going in your ear, however, this goes in your nose. You put it inside of each nostril for a few seconds. The device’s light causes the cells inside of your nose to block the production of histamine, which is the chemical that causes you all of your discomforts.

Traditional medical treatments can cause you to be drowsy or dizzy. These side effects can affect a number of areas of your life, including job and hobby options. This is commonly referred to by allergy suffers as brain fog. Using light therapy, you can alleviate your allergy symptoms without the brain fog. It can also be used by those who cannot use pharmaceutical intervention, like those who are pregnant, medical conditions, or specific careers.

The Fluo handheld device has been fully developed and is now in the final stages of FDA clearance. The company hopes to bring the product to market before the end of 2021. To learn more about the product or sign up for production notifications, head to company’s website.

Interview by Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Ninu Perfume creates unique scents for different occasions @ CES 2021

Ninu Perfume smart perfume systemModern technology has led to a new concept of individualized experiences. The concept can range from small, home breweries or distilleries, to automated drink mixers. These experiences have begun to branch out, with the latest one coming to us, care of Ninu Perfume, a connected device that allows you to create your own custom scents.

Ninu Perfume is taking the standard concept of perfume or cologne and making it personal. And, it’s not just personal to you, the wearer – it is personal to your current state. Consider the experience of going on a date. For that, you might want something bold. If the date is with someone you know well, perhaps you want to integrate something you know they like. However, if you are going for a job interview, you might want something subtle.

Within the app, you can choose between environments, such as move, work, and love. Rather than category, you can also choose between moods, like fresh, sexy, or elegant. Based on your choices, the system’s AI can build a scent based on your preferences. Then, the app connects to the device, which mixes the scent.

The device itself uses a sustainable refill system, which allows you to maintain the different components that are used to produce the final scents. The components have been tested to be safe to the skin and are 100% vegan. Using those components, the device mixes the scent that was designed for your mood and environment. If something is created that does not match your style or preferences, you can alert the system so that it learns what is and is not something you like.

The Ninu Perfume has been developed, and will be entering crowdfunding through Kickstarter soon. To learn more or sign up for notifications, you can head to the company’s website.

Interview by Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Acconeer’s small radar sensors can create new experiences @ CES 2021

Acconeer radar sensorRadar-based technology has been around for decades but has seen massive changes. In particular, the size of the sensor arrays has shrunk in ways that are nearly impossible to imagine. Originally, radar sensors required huge dishes mounted on towers or domes around military installations. Today, thanks to Acconeer, these sensors are so small you can barely see one in the video.

This accomplishment by Acconeer is significant for a number of reasons. Of course, the accomplishment of making it small is, in itself, impressive. However, the really cool aspect is what is possible because of the size of the sensors. With large arrays, we were able to detect planes during World War 2. With the small arrays, we can accomplish equally impressive tasks for everyday life.

On the company’s website, they have a number of impressive demos for the technology. One of these demos is passenger detection in vehicles, which is a problem we’ve seen a lot in the past few years. Being able to detect if someone is in a vehicle, particularly children with no adult, could potentially save lives. The presence detection capability could be applied outside of a car, howe3ver, and make home security sensors more accurate, smaller, and more power-efficient.

Another interesting demo scenario surrounds liquids. These small sensors could be used to detect tank levels, in your water heater or even your gas tank. In the latter instance, the idea of a contactless sensor could end the common scenario of not trusting the gas gauge because it varies based on the angle of the car. Not having to rely on floating sensors means that the readings could be more accurate.

There are more examples of where these tiny sensors could be used. If you have an idea and would like to learn more or engage with Acconeer, check out their website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Package Clipper wants to protect your deliveries from theft @ CES 2021

Package Clipper protectorThese days, package theft is a huge issue. Chances are, you or someone you know has had at least one item stolen off of the front porch. We have even had a review product stolen from our office after being delivered. The problem gets worse year over year, and it has been incredibly difficult to solve. Fortunately, Package Protector is here with a simple and effective solution – Package Clipper.

We’ve seen companies with products to help with this problem before. But, in general, the solutions involve either laying down concrete or mounting something to the ground or wall. While this may work for some people, there are large collections of people who don’t have this option. For example, if you live in an apartment, condo, or an HOA with strong regulations, the chances of mounting a large box to place packages into are unlikely. Even if you can install something large, you may not want to because it can be unattractive.

Package Clipper has a very small base that can be mounted unobtrusively by your front door. Rather than being a box, it has clips at the end of leads that clip onto boxes or envelopes once delivered. Once clipped, the system is armed, and removing the clip sets off an alarm. Being a connected device, you can also get an alarm while away from home, via your phone.

Of course, the biggest challenge is getting the delivery drivers to actually use the Package Clipper. The company’s solution to this issue is Package Tipper, which gives the recipient the ability to tip their driver for using the system. The driver simply scans the QR code on the base unit with the driver’s app, which lets you know it’s been delivered, and gives you the ability to send a tip to the driver.

The Package Clipper is expected to enter crowdfunding in quarter 2 of 2021 with an expected retail cost of $69.99. For more information, check out the company’s website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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CL360 is a bright lighting idea for 360 photos and videos @ CES 2021

CL360 Camera LightOne of the growing trends in digital photography and videography is 360. There are a lot of ways to take advantage of this medium, but it also produces a number of unique challenges. The biggest issue has been in lighting. You can’t set up a whole big room or yard full of lighting in order to light your photos correctly, so what do you do? The CL360 Camera Light is the solution to this problem.

If you have used a 360 camera, you know that they generally sit on a tripod or monopod. They then produce their 360 photos or videos, editing out the very bottom of the frame, thus eliminating the majority of the mounting hardware. That is exactly where the CL360 Camera Light finds itself – under the camera. It takes its place between the camera and the mounting solution and produces a very bright wash light in all directions. It can be used as an always-on solution for video, or as a flash for still photos.

The idea here, of course, is to make the quality of your projects better. There is nothing worse than a photo or video that is too dark to be seen. It is even worse when the media is being used in a professional or production setting. For example, anyone who has looked to purchase a house has seen a 360 photo of the rooms in the home that are absolutely dreadful. Besides being placed in the wrong positions, which can only be fixed by training, they are also dark. It makes sense since the houses usually have no power, but adding proper lighting can make the experience better. The same holds true when looking at videos in VR that are produced in a darker environment, such as outside at night.

The CL360 Camera Light is currently in final testing and is hoped to be on the market by mid 2021. For more information and to get updates on production, check out the company website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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Smart Home Need helps you identify needs and solutions @ CES 2021

Smart Home NeedThe concept of the smart home is getting pretty popular. A recent study shows that 13% of homes have a smart bulb and 9% of homes have a smart outlet. With acceptance like that, it is no surprise that some concern over the way these devices work together is beginning to creep into the public consciousness. Unless you buy into a multi-brand system, the chances of two brands working together are pretty small. Even Todd Cochrane says that few of the items in his own home are compatible. This is one of the ways in which Smart Home Need is helping consumers on their smart home journeys.

The Smart Home Need system is designed to help you identify your needs by asking questions. Once your needs are identified, it helps you understand what those needs are why any they are important. Not all of these needs are easily solvable via technology, so an assessment is made as to which make sense to apply tech to solve. Then, you have the ability to act with meaningful habits and smart home technology to help address those needs.

Clearly, the intention is to improve your overall well-being without adding additional stress to your life. By designing and implementing a technology solution that can address your needs without adding a large collection of unrelated devices into your life, they can help with that goal. Even with all of these benefits, the service is offered to customers to try without charge. This is because of relationships with manufacturers and donations.

Smart Home Need is available now to the public. To learn more about the service, to learn what products are currently in the system, or to give it a try for free, you can head to the company’s website. Try tier is offered for free. Learn and Flourish tiers are charged yearly.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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DialogueTrainer’s avatars teach corporate communication @ CES 2021

DialogueTrainer corporate communicationsAt CES 2021, Todd Cochrane interviewed Michiel Hulsbergen, CEO of DialogueTrainer, a professional development company that teaches better corporate communications skills through virtual simulations.

Based out of The Netherlands, DialogueTrainer has been developing interactive online educational scenarios since 2013. Built on a solid scientific foundation, DialogueTrainer’s online platform was co-developed with Utrecht University. Their innovative conversation simulations allow users to practice tricky conversational situations online with virtual training actors. Virtual avatars provide the basis of the DialogueTrainer approach, followed by in classroom exercises. They believe this blended approach to training is what is needed to penetrate the difficulty inherent to some of these tough professional conversations.

Communication is the most important soft skill needed to improve services and increase job satisfaction. Companies that provide professional development training to their employees notice an increase in retention. Employees stick around longer because they are being enriched. People are interested in working for a company they can grow with. Classes on professional communication can help build confidence, improve efficiency and re-energize your staff.

All types of businesses can benefit from this training. DialogueTrainer has interactive online communication training in the following subjects:
*Customer Relations (Telephone sales, Sales conversations, Negotiating, Dealing with complaints, Consultative selling)
*Collaborative Working and Team Building (Giving feedback, Motivating, Coaching, Addressing certain behaviors)
*Leadership and Management (Inspiring, Coaching, Development interview, Giving bad news, Delegation, Communication)

DialogueTrainer provides conversation simulations and learning environments to help build professional communication skills. When working with DialogueTrainer, first they connect with you to determine which situation your company’s simulation should focus on, what the agreed upon best-practices will be, and the learning objectives of your team. Then they develop interactive online scenarios in which difficult discussions from the workplace can be practiced with virtual training actors. You experience virtual situations that are recognizable and realistic.

For the best interactive training on how to have difficult professional conversations, contact the company.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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BOON Spotlight provides private and personalized shopping @ CES 2021

BOON Spotlight AI shoppingAt CES 2021, Todd Cochrane sits down to talk to Dylan Grey, founder of BOON, an award-winning startup from the UK that is revolutionizing online shopping with psychological research and AI technology.

The company has built the technology to create a personalized shopping experience using a unique combination of psychology and AI. The startup works with online retailers to deliver engaging experiences and increase their conversion rates, while also guaranteeing complete data control and privacy to the user.

BOON Spotlight leads consumers through a set of fun, image-based questions that use filtering and a psychology-backed AI to give meaningful product recommendations. The service uses groundbreaking AI and powerful filtering to shortlist the best products for each shopper, helping them discover their next purchase. BOON’s technology can be used as a personal shopping assistant or a gift finder. Shoppers can instantly replace any of their recommendations to curate a list of top picks. BOON’s AI continuously learns and improves from feedback like this, so each subsequent shopper gets a better experience and better recommendations.

The majority of consumers say they want better control of their data, but that can be a challenge for conventional tracking-based product recommendation technology. One of the benefits of BOON’s technology is that every consumer controls what data they provide and remains anonymous throughout. They took a new approach when designing their AI, building with privacy-in-mind from the ground up. Through the survey questions, users control what data they provide, and all responses are forgotten as soon as the window is closed – no cookies to track you for months on end.

Research shows that BOON’s technology will increase conversions by up to 85%. BOON has found that consumers love the experience: 96% participants complete all the questions once they start, they are up to 85% more likely to checkout, and they have a 35% larger basket size.

Improve your customers’ experience now by connecting with BOON via their website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Essence USA introduces healthcare and security products @ CES 2021

Essence MDSenseIsrael-based security manufacturer Essence introduced various new 5G forward-compatible security products at CES 2021.

In our interview, Todd Cochrane talks to Josh Locke, Director of Sales for Essence USA. Essence provides smart connected-living solutions for security, communication, and healthcare service providers. Backed by 20 years of experience and over 15 million devices installed worldwide, Essence takes pride in the full ownership of our end-to-end solutions; from concept development and design, through the manufacturing of hardware and software to the day to day operations.

Essence’s PERS 5G, introduced at CES, is, according to a press release, “a highly advanced gateway that provides activity monitoring, fall detection, and voice capabilities anywhere in the home. The 5G technology enables service providers and users to enjoy the highest levels of dependability and accuracy.”

As for a non-5G wellness application, Essence also touted its MDSense fall detection system, which leverages another cutting-edge technology – radar – to cover a full room using a wireless device that looks much like a traditional PIR motion detector. The product is ideal for people who might not be wearing an emergency pendant and/or cannot reach a panic button.

Beyond the wellness monitoring area, Essence also introduced an intrusion detection system aimed at homes and small businesses. The company calls its Integrated FogShield product “the world’s first 5G standalone solution for intruder prevention.” Connected via 5G CAT-M networks, it includes motion detection, video recording, two-way voice capabilities, and a smoke diffuser that fills a room with a harmless but disorienting smoke that forces intruders out of the premises. Suitable for both residential and commercial buildings, the company says the system can be integrated with existing security systems or used as a standalone solution.
Essence believes in building a future where technology is a seamless extension of people’s lives. Enriching, enabling, and shaping life’s possibilities.

Learn more about these and all of Essence’s products on their blog.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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