The Ultimate in Social Media Reach with IceBr8kr

IceBr8krMy bubble or yours? Now you can take social media encounters to the next level with the new IceBr8kr app. This app definitely brings the social aspect back to social media. It monitors a 100 yard bubble around you at all times, allowing you to see and interact with others on the app who are in your same proximity. Thus giving you a chance to break the ice with those you’d like to meet without that blind and awkward first hello.

It makes it so much easier to meet new people as you are able to send messages to each other through the app. However the goal is not to just be another platform for text chatting, it’s to actually meet and interact with new friends. To encourage this human interaction, the app allows 8 “volleys” within the app itself before it times you out with that individual for an hour.

The app also contains various features to allow you to customize your visibility and experience at any given time. Settings include notification preferences, and three different “pins” to show varying degrees of anonymity. So you can interact with others on your own terms based upon your mood at that time. And don’t worry, you can even block the users that you may no longer want to interact with.

The developers are currently gearing up and getting people on and acquainted with the app, which is perfect for university settings, conferences and festival settings. And they have multiple ideas for future updates that may include networking features and possibly even interactions with businesses to offer special deals and discounts while users are interacting within the stores, and so much more. The possibilities are truly exciting and we are looking forward to watching this app take off.

You can download the app on Apple Store and Google Play and for more information, check out their website.

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Hunt Down New, Unreleased Music Like a Hipster

Hipster BaitIn an attempt to revive the genre of music we all know and love, HipsterBait has one goal in mind: bringing back rock n roll, one hipster at a time. Their new app engages listeners in a new and exciting way involving a real life treasure hunt to find fresh, unreleased music out in the world. This music discovery game is like a combination of geocaching and Pokémon GO with its full AR experience.

Hipster Bait works by launching the application and viewing the map of your surrounding area. The app provides clues to help you find physical and virtual cassette tapes holding recordings of unreleased rock n roll songs from new artists. Your job is to collect the cassettes, download the music, then rehide what you found, whether virtual or analog. The tapes are originally hidden in major cities around North America.

The Hipster Bait app is looking to launch at the end of the Summer on iOS and Android. Learn more about Hipster Bait by going to their website.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

DopaApp is a Welcomed and Innovative Addition to Rehab

DopaAppDrug addiction is a constant and growing problem that has reached epidemic levels in the United States. Statistics show that the total number of drug rehab patients outnumber the amount of available inpatient rehab beds by staggering ratios. The founders of DopaApp are working hard to not only take a huge strain off of the traditional rehab industry but also make the therapy easier and more accessible to the patients as well as the care providers.

The app, which is available at the Apple App Store and Google Play, combines traditional addiction therapy with a social platform to empower patients, families/support and care facilities by offering increased functionality in a flexible and intuitive format. It’s a virtual treatment center that connects addicts with authorized caregivers. The founders like to consider DopaApp the “13th Step” in the traditional program because of the added support and capabilities that it offers. Features include complete patient profiles, text and video chat, knowledge resources, relapse indicator and more. Patients are able to receive all of this assistance while still maintaining full anonymity by utilizing avatars as well as emotion detection technology for all face to face encounters.

Phase 1 of their operations is focused on getting the app to care facilities for use in conjunction with their current treatment plans to offer to patients as part of their initial and ongoing therapy. Phase 2 will then focus on reaching more new patients to help connect them to authorized care providers.

We found this venture to be fascinating and applaud their efforts to bring technology to help fight the ongoing battle of drug addiction. One of our favorite features is the functionality that allows patients to have a 24/7 life support line with former addicts who have been sober for 10 years or more.

You can get more information about this groundbreaking app on their website.

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Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

CyberCentric Keeps Sensitive Data is Safe and Secure

CyberCentricCyberCentric is a data visualization platform that enables organizations to map out exactly where there most sensitive data lives within their network, who has access to it and how it’s being used.

The platform simplifies the process of ensuring proper authorization is met for use of a companies sensitive data. Their AI engine, named Hector, learns the normal behavior for your network and then searches for optimal solutions to ensure none of the data is compromised by allowing access to those without proper authorization. They have reached an impressive near 99 percent accuracy rate in detecting anomalous behavior that leads to unauthorized access.

It offers the amazing ability to visualize an entire cyber security while knowing who is online and what they are able to access at all times. Their easy to use platform prevents unauthorized access, offers insider threat detection, leak detection and 24/7 customer support. They also help your organization stay compliant with PCI, HIPAA, GDPR EU, and other complex data privacy regulations.

Although still a relatively new company, they are already becoming a major player with Fortune 500 companies. For more information, visit their website and request a demonstration.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

You and Fido Will Love The Dollar Pet Club

The Dollar Pet ClubIf you want to show your sweet fur babies all of your love, it’s time to start thinking inside the box. But don’t settle for just any box. Choose the one that is easily customizable and won’t break the bank. The Dollar Pet Club has made it their “doody” to help you out by delivering boxes full of goodies right to your front door.

The DPC offers only the best for your fur babies. The boxes contain natural treats and high quality toys that are all hand picked and tested for quality assurance. They even go so far as to research which treats aren’t a good choice for your pet, based upon breed. Not to mention, they are super easy to order and have choices to fit any budget. You can start off with a $1.00 box that includes a dispenser and a month’s worth of free poop bags, and then work your way up to the pre-selected boxes that are designed for cats, small breed dogs and large breed dogs with prices starting at $22.95. Or you can get a custom box and choose each item that goes inside. Right now the site offers choices for cats and dogs, but if are in need of a box for a different type of pet, no problem, just give them a call and let them know what you’d like. They’ll get you hooked up.

Another thing we love about this company is their commitment to giving back. They are currently involved with animal shelters in Louisiana where they sponsor a pet monthly and when that animal gets adopted, they cover the adoption fees for the new owner. They are also looking forward to hopefully working with the V.A. in the future to assist with service dogs for Vets with PTSD.

To order your own box or to get more information, visit their website. Check them out soon to take advantage of their Collision Special of 20% off by using the coupon code Collision2017.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

Get Excited for a New World of Data Analytics with Corterix

CorterixLarge sums of data can be difficult to gather, store, and decipher. Luckily, Corterix is fit to do that for you. The big data market isn’t providing usable data to it’s customers so Corterix is determined to store all forms of unstructured data into a SQL database and transform it into usable, structured data without being disruptive to the industry.

Traditional formats were built on a search platform, not a big data platform. Current versions have merely been pieced together over time which has created more of a work around environment than a unified and easy to use platform. This is where Corterix is different because they are built on a new and radically different concept. The platform has been engineered from scratch to swiftly ingest data of all types as well as index, compress and load it into a single, easily accessible SQL database.

And the storage capacity is amazing. Corterix is able to store up to 64 terabytes of data in a single cell of a database and can also store other formats such as videos. Data is constantly growing and as it gets larger, it needs larger databases to query and Corterix can provide that service.

Check out their website here for more information.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

A Smart New Way to Monitor Your Nutrition

SustainabodyGetting the most nutritional benefit from our foods and vitamins is a common goal in today’s health plan. Sustainabody does just that. It is a smart nutrition tracking app that goes beyond calorie and diet tracking. It tells you not only what you are getting from your food, but also what you should be eating so you can get the most vitamins from your food choices.

It fits in with any diet plan and is especially beneficial for vegans or someone who is lactose intolerant. Body builders also find this helpful because they are very aware of their vitamin E intake and how important it is for their muscle growth and over all health.

There is a free, ad-supported version, and an ad-free version for $1.99 available for iOS, with Android coming in the near future. It is not only a fun app but it is very easy to use.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

Businesses Get a Boost with Belay Solutions

BELAY SolutionsIn the world of mountain climbing and repelling, the best friend you can have is called a belay. They assist the climber and enable him or her to climb higher. That, in essence, is what Belay Solutions does for small and large businesses alike.

Through remote workers, Belay Solutions is able to provide outsourced “virtual assistants.” These assistants can provide a number of functions including copy writing, web design and bookkeeping. This is particularly helpful to startups who often have only one or two employees.

They work with their clients so that they get the best placement of a VA by looking at their hard and soft skills. This service is wonderful for travelers, who themselves are actually VAs . They don’t really need someone in their office for a 40 hour work week. Belay Solutions have also been very helpful to pastors, speakers, coaches and authors, taking them from being individuals to a fully functioning company.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

Wimbify Provides Safe and Secure Travel for the LGBT Community

WimbifyMore than 50% of LGBT travelers do so all alone and that isn’t always safe nowadays. Now there is a mobile platform created for travel sharing called Wimbify. It allows you to find other people to become travel mates for safety.

In addition to traveling, you can be a Local Hero in your own city. These heroes are available to provide local tours for just a few hours or a couple of days. Wimbify has a recommended fee but the hero is allowed to set their own price. When you book a tour you pay a small booking fee and that is how they make their revenue. The Local Heroes are rated by the travelers who have used their services in order to be able to find the best match for you.

After being in business for 2 years the service is currently available in Milan, Italy and San Francisco, California with the next planned city being Berlin, Germany. The app is free and is available now for iOS and Android.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

TripHobo Lets You Explore the World Like a King

TripHoboPlanning your trip or vacation is getting a big boost with an app called TripHobo. It is essentially a detail planner that helps you to see all the famous and important things you always heard about. It can also lead you to a lot of unknown venues and special places not as well-known, that may very well turn out to be the pinnacle of your trip.

If you don’t care to pre-plan the trip yourself, there are literally millions of published itineraries just waiting for you to use as there are over a million trip plans for over 90,000 cities. These itineraries are available now and they are free to use. The planner is available on the web and the companion app is available for iOS and Android.

This innovative company has been around for 2½ years and is a very exciting addition to the travel planning experience because it connects 2 groups of people: travelers who don’t know and venues who need you to know.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.