Category Archives: Health

TPN Picks Awards

Each year the TPN team picks 10 companies that our team feels are deserving of a TPN pick. The awards are for what we feel is cool at CES and excites us the most. This years 10 picks are exceptional.

Wellness and Activity Tracking From Polar Electro at CES

Fitness Trackers in the past have followed just steps or just heart rate or some other parameter. The gang at Polar Electro have come up with a solution that actively monitors multiple parameters for overall fitness and wellness.

Polar-electro-watchThe CES Unveiled event is jam packed full of companies exhibiting new technologies. Health Tech Weekly host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic attended to find the latest and greatest in health technology. He found the folks from Polar Electro and their Polar Electro A-300 sports watch and activity tracker.

Jamie chatted with Chris Zoller, senior product manager from Polar Electro, about the new A-300 that tracks fitness and activity with steps, running and similar things. It also tracks sleep, heart rate, and other wellness parameters to integrate both activity and wellness tracking into the same device. This has been one of the things that most fitness and wellness devices have not been able to do effectively.

Make sure you follow my picks and coverage over at and the Tech Podcasts Network live CES 2015 coverage over at during the show where our entire CES team will be bringing you the best, the most innovative, and newest tech gadgets to you from the conference! And don’t forget to check out my shows for at, and the brand new Health Tech weekly show at

Temp Traq Brings Parents Peace of Mind When Kids Are Sick

Parents stay up all night worrying about sick children and their fevers. Temp Traq alleviates some of the anxiety with their child temperature tracking and monitoring tool.

TempTraqHealth Tech Weekly host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic visited the CES Unveiled event in Las Vegas and checked out the exiting trends in health technology including the brand new Temp Traq device. Jamie interviewed John Gannon, President and CEO of about the new device that attaches like a band-aid to a child so they can sleep and rest comfortably while their parents monitor their fever from close by.

As a health care professional and a parent, I know the anxiety experienced by parents when their young children are sick. The Temp Traq tool and accompanying smart phone app for iOS and Android provides a seamless solution to helping that parent or caregiver take care of the sick child with a fever. I could even see similar technology making its way into the health care workplace to monitor patients remotely with minimally invasive technologies like the Temp Traq.

Make sure you follow my picks and coverage over at and the Tech Podcasts Network live CES 2015 coverage over at during the show where our entire CES team will be bringing you the best, the most innovative, and newest tech gadgets to you from the conference! And don’t forget to check out my shows for at, and the brand new Health Tech weekly show at

Humanscale and the Wellness Workplace of the Future

The workplace of the future is coming sooner than you think. The folks at have integrated tools for monitoring and encouraging a healthier workplace in their new ergonomically correct workplace products.

MsFoundationHealth Tech Weekly host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic chats with Chris Gibson from to look at how they are integrating electronic sensors and innovative workplace wellness software into their line of office furniture. The furniture will track when you are working sitting down and when you shift to working in a standing mode. It alerts you with messages to your computer screen and mobile smart device to tell you when you should be standing or sitting or just getting more active.

As more and more employers are moving to integrating these types of workplace wellness programs into their offices, the Humanscale system also lets office managers see how healthy their workplace is. The sensors and software also tell managers how many of their employees are utilizing the various workplace wellness systems so they can track effectiveness of the program. Stay tuned to more on how these systems will work in the office of the future.

Make sure you follow my picks and coverage over at and the Tech Podcasts Network live CES 2015 coverage over at during the show where our entire CES team will be bringing you the best, the most innovative, and newest tech gadgets to you from the conference! And don’t forget to check out my shows for at, and the brand new Health Tech weekly show at

Covering Health at CES with Jamie Davis, the Podmedic

Hi, I’m Jamie Davis, the Podmedic, host of the MedicCast, the Nursing Show, and the Health Tech Weekly podcast and coming up this January I’ll be joining the International CES 2015 coverage team from the Tech Podcast Network for the fourth year, focusing on medical technology and digital health products. Together with the other tech podcast network hosts, we’ll be covering CES 2015 so you’ll feel as if you were there yourself!

The digital health pavilion is even larger again this year and I’m going to be even busier than I was last year with getting all of the great health, wellness and fitness items covered. But I plan on doing it. I love new technologies in health care and even more, I love bringing the best of them to you! As a nurse and a paramedic, from the ProMed Network, TPN’s sister network, I bring the viewpoint of the health professional to the various medical, health and fitness devices and services presented at the show. I’ve already picked out some amazing standout health care gadgets to show to you as part of the TPN coverage and I’m going to be looking for more as I roam this huge event.

Make sure you follow my picks and coverage over at and the Tech Podcasts Network live CES 2015 coverage over at during the show where our entire CES team will be bringing you the best, the most innovative, and newest tech gadgets to you from the conference! So join us and millions of fellow viewers. Visit us at for all the coverage from our team. And don’t forget to check out my shows for at,, and the brand new Health Tech weekly show at

CES 2015 – Preshow Commentary

Todd Cochrane the host of the Geek News Central Podcast a 10 year veteran of CES discusses how the team coverage is going to shape up this year.

Beam introduces video chat robot

beamVideo chat has become common in today’s world, especially in the workplace. Robotics, though, still has a tendency to sound a bit futuristic. Beam, however, has found a way to combine the two, with a robot that sports a video display, allowing for both face-to-face chat and mobility.

All of this functionality is controlled by the person seen on the screen, who controls the robot from a desktop or laptop computer. This is done by an app the company provides to the buyer for installation on any computer. The Beam, which comes from Suitable Technologies, is available right now. It’s geared towards corporate use, as the price comes in at $16,000, but that includes setup and support.

Interview by Don Baine, the Gadget Professor


Isonea shows off new medical technology for asthma sufferers


Jerry Korten, CEO of Isonea stopped by to visit the CES in Las Vegas, where he talked about the company’s latest product. It’s some amazing new medical technology utilized to help those who suffer from asthma.

The technology works with modern smartphones and utilizes a sensor that monitor breathing and upload the data to the cloud for quick analyzation, then send the information back to the user. The data is all stored within the app, making it easy for users to share it with their doctors. It can even generate reminders about medication. It also monitors the weather based on GPS location to try and pinpoint causes, such as changes in the weather or pollen levels. All of this information can then be crowd-sourced to make recommendations, such as “bring your inhaler with you today because there is a large amount of asthma in your area”.

The device isn’t part of your phone, but is separate small product that communicates with the smartphone. The device is already available in Australia, and is expected in the US within six months. No price was given.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network and Anne Montera


Dexcom shows simple glucose monitoring


Diabetes is a major health risk on today’s world and easy monitoring of it is essential to the well-being of everyone who suffers. The company produces a tiny handheld electronic sensor to help with this.

The little device can easily monitor blood-sugar levels and even sound alerts if it detects a problem. Users can also set thresholds to generate customized warnings. It goes further, allowing the customer to set up remote monitoring for family so that others can monitor your health, for example — keeping an eye on your child while he or she is i school. Dexcom also talks a bit about plans for the future of this technology. The device is available now.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network and Chris Montera of
