AI, Robotics and Augmented Reality Collide in the Amazing New Game Chancellor of the Universe!

Brave New WorldAre you a fan of table top games? Do you love video games? Are you a robot enthusiast? If you answered yes to any or all of those questions then Chancellor of the Universe is the game for you!

Brought to life by the minds of Brave New World, Chancellor of the Universe is the first game to combine robotics, AI and board games. You play as a new hire who works for the Chancellor, but you aren’t just set on staying in your meager position, no, you have bigger dreams, dreams like overthrowing the Chancellor (and anyone else standing in your way) so that you can be the one true Chancellor of the Universe! The game comes with a game board and mini robot that will move around the board, give out tasks, and even berate the players on occasion. The only thing you need to do after that is to download the app to any phone or tablet, and you’ll be ready to go. Currently still in the Alpha stage (looking for a 2018 release) the game boast from one to four players, with future plans of extending that number to eight. The company also plans to create different shells for the robot, so other AI games can be played using the AI interface as well.

All in all, if you are a fan of Sci-Fi, games or gadgets this is the game for you. So you can play solo, play as a team, or double cross everyone else at the table so you become the sole, and one true Chancellor of the Universe!

For more info, visit their website.

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Tech Education from CodeCrew is Uplifting for Minorities

CodeCrewA major problem in the under-represented groups in cities is not being exposed to technology in any form. CodeCrew is a non-profit out of Memphis that teaches children to write software. What started as a summer camp in 2015, has grown to educating kids in middle school and high school with after school and in-school programs having 200 kids a week attend.

The in-school offers programs 4-5 days a week and a grade is earned as an elective class. The after-school program is once a week for 90 minutes a week on a semester basis. Some of the exciting things for them to learn are mobile apps, websites, programming drones and video game development. In middle school there is a comprehensive introduction to computer science with a focus on web development with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The high school level teaches JavaScript and Python for a semester each. The idea in reaching the under-represented groups will create diversity in businesses, and having that, will be 35% more financially beneficial. Businesses need diversity.

The programs are currently offered in Memphis and have hopes to expand to New Orleans.

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Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

TechGirl Leads Young Women to Be A Powerful Force in Technology

TechGirlImagine being a young female with a lot of great ideas for starting up a company and you cannot get someone to listen to you because of who you are-a female. Enter TechGirl, whose mission it is to connect those young females, those technology entrepreneurs, with a network of specialty advisers and mentorships to help them launch their start-up companies. Its founder, Jennifer DeReyes, shared a story about how her passion for this company was formed. She was at an IBM conference with her 8 year old daughter and upon being asked what she noticed about the room filled with 20,000 people, her daughter replied “Where are the women? I see all men.” TechGirl wants to change that gender gap.

They have a network of internal resources that include advisers in finance, marketing, and development who are looking for girls who have the biggest and brightest ideas to help to bring them into the STEM Pipeline. The best way is to get them early, as young as elementary school and expose them to STEM and into the pipeline and then into the Incubation Lab that they can successfully launch their product. During this process they work with advisers and mentors in finance and marketing for about a year to help bring their product or service to fruition. In doing this, they will come out on the other end ready to manage a company, a benefit not available without TechGirl. You can be a mentor or a mentee.

This service is based in Philadelphia and California. The app will launch in November 2017.

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Exciting New Way to Share Your Experiences with Trupe

TrupeTrupe is a new social media app for sharing pics, experiences and comments. What could possibly be different about this new app to set it apart from all of the others, you ask? Well, this one actually has a unique component that is pretty cool.

Trupe is a narrowcasting network. It uses an open platform and links users within a certain proximity of each other. It’s a great way to share certain experiences with others around you, to expand upon and enhance them with added photos, videos, comments and suggestions that are shared by those who are in the same 100 meter zone. And those zones are fluid, as users move around so do the zones. Each group is knows as a Trupe.

For example, the creators of the app started a Trupe right there at the convention center. Anybody in the area with the app could join the Trupe and share content. As users move around, the app will concentrate on those who are sharing the most content. So in this case, as attendees went to social events after hours, the content continued on to those locations. If you end up out of range, you will become a Snuper, which allows you to still view the content and make comments, but not upload pictures, until you are back in range. The Trupes will stay active as long as least two members are in the same proximity. When there are no longer two Trupers sharing the same zone, that session will end and the content within will stay active for 24 hours, giving everyone involved the chance to save the pictures and videos that they want to keep.

We thought this app was a lot of fun and came up with countless ideas for both the open groups, which are free to use, and the private groups that are available at a premium. Trupes can be opened at office settings, colleges, conventions, sporting events, concerts, weddings and even during vacations.

Trupe is currently available for iOS and will be coming soon for Android.

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Your Time is Important to theCut

theCutIn this age, we are all busy. When a man wants to get a haircut, he usually walks into a barbershop and sits down and waits to be called. With theCut, he can book an appointment, pay for it and even tip at the touch of a button. This is a mobile app made for barbers and barbershops. It eliminates the need for carrying cash and the frustration of not being allowed to use your card or having to make a run to the ATM.

Since barbershops have evolved into a total grooming centers, they do more than just cut hair and shave your face. This app allows the business to list all of their services available to their clients and promote those that they specialize in, such as fades or shaves. In turn, the customer can search for a specific barber that offers the specialty service that they are needing, and thereby filtering out those that don’t offer what they want. There is also the capability for the client to leave reviews.

This app is currently being marketed to New York, Philadelphia, Miami, Cleveland and Los Angeles. It is ready to go now for barbers nationwide.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

Seeking a Real Love Match? Engage Your Entourage for the Best!

The Set-upIt’s getting to the point where dating apps are almost a dime a dozen anymore. But if you are looking for an app that completely sets itself apart from the rest, look no further than The Set-up.

What makes this dating app different, you ask? It’s really quite simple. The Set-up incorporates a Sounding Board into the decision making process. Everyone on the site will have the Sounding Board of their choosing, which consists of 2-5 people. So you can have your best friend, a cousin, co-worker, parent or even your adult children involved in the decision making process. There are also added security features built in. These features include background checks, actual camera photos (not just some stock photo from 10 years ago) and even video chats so that you can get to know the person somewhat before that first date and know more of who to expect.

The way this works is that when two daters choose each other, their information is then sent to each others Sounding Board, who votes yay or nay… and majority rules. So if your board doesn’t agree that it would be a good match, no connection is made. This gives each match the unique perspective that only those who know you best can provide.

The app is scheduled to launch in August of this year and will be available on iOS, Android and on the web. The basic app will be free with some features available for a premium. We find this to be such a cool and fresh approach to typical and stale online dating and we are looking forward to keeping track of their progress as it hits the market.

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Convenient Fitness Right At Your Fingertips with upace

upaceSometimes attending the gym on a normal basis can add some unnecessary stress when you don’t want to deal with a crowded workout with the equipment taken. Luckily, the new application, upace has the answer for that very issue! upace allows you to find the right time to go to the gym by informing you on occupancy levels in real time per gym to see which gyms are crowded. You can also use this app to book a reservation with your friends for a group fitness class or using machine cardio equipment that you could feel committed to.

upace is great for the average gym goer but is also useful for the fitness facilities, as well. The admin side of this app involves tools to help the facility engage, communicate, and receive data from the members. Rec centers can easily bring in more traffic and use this gathered data to see the busiest hours, equipment used and checked out, and gain insight to efficiency in the facility. upace also provides different member app platforms depending on the needs of the center.

Keep rec centers connected to the members by downloading upace on iOS. Pricing includes an annual licensing fee that is custom to the facility. Find out more by going to their website.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

It’s Fascinating How Language Gets From Here to There

TravodTravod, a global translations and localization company, helps their clients reach a broader market, and grow by providing language services for any specific need. They assist with any type of content or platform that the client requires. They know first hand that it’s not just translating from language to language, but also how important it is to keep the context and cultural nuances in mind.

With a staff of over 25,000 translators worldwide, each with a minimum of 5 years of experience in their particular field (legal, IT, medical, etc.), they offer better accuracy at an affordable rate. Anything thing from websites to contracts, technical documents to spec sheets. And they can handle your project from end to end. So if you need, say, a pamphlet or brochure translated into another language for distribution in that country, they will not only translate it but also complete the set up in the same format.

They currently have proficiency in over 100 languages and have staff available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They offer a response time of 20 minutes, no matter what time of day or night you contact them.

You can get more information, or a quote by visiting their website here.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

Get the Most in and out of Your Important Links with BudUrl

BudURLHere at PLuGHiTz Live, we generate a lot of links for our various articles, interviews, events and shows. It’s how we get our viewers additional information and purchase opportunities in a simple, concise manner. Journalists, bloggers and businesses create these links everyday.

BudUrl is taking these links to the next level by creating intelligent links with their unique and sophisticated link management system. They ingrain valuable insights into every link. Things like the topic, participants, locations and more. Not only does it give the recipients all of this information, but the originator can then get important statistics back. This creates important audience insights to help better understand not only how many clicks are generated, but which links performed the best.

Features include branded short links, advanced analytics, dynamic optimization and also support in an easy to use and secure platform. You are also able to customize and integrate your favorite platforms.

Check out this interview, as well as their website for more specifics.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

Innovative New Tech Assists with Safety on the Road

BlyncSyncSometimes when we interview a new start up, we can’t help but get a sense of wow as we learn the technical aspects of the new tech they are implementing. We definitely got that sense when we spoke to Steven with BlyncSync.

BlyncSync is a wearable system that combines smart glasses, smart watches and your smart phone to help solve a huge problem within the transportation industry… fatigue. The glasses, which can be retrofitted to include your prescription or transition lenses, measures blink rate and head tilt while the watch tracks sleep stage data. The focus here is on prevention. As the devices learn your specific mannerisms, users will be informed of the best times and durations for driving. And the notifications can be customized and received via the watch, phone, tablet or even notify, say, a drivers manager. This system can also be used as a liability defense mechanism as it will incorporate the various laws and regulations that the transportation industry has in place.

This new innovation in IoT is very intriguing and has possibilities well beyond the range of truck drivers. All drivers could have a use for this. Especially teens, taxi/limo/ride share companies, etc. We are really excited to see how this idea that came from a college project will be received as it hits the market.

The developers are currently collecting data for integration into the system. They are planning on getting to the beta stage later this year with a projected product availability in 2018. To learn more, visit their web site here or find them on social media.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.