Easily Find Quality Food Vendors on The Move

Food MovesFood Moves is an application designed to make mobile food easier to find and to create an overall better experience for the vendors and consumers. They are focused on helping the mobile food industry including food trucks, farmers markets, and food stands. The Food Moves app allows you to find any mobile vendor in your area and to search for your favorites to find where they are at any given moment.

The vendor side of the app provides helpful tools to help these businesses market efficiently to the consumers and provides clarity to everyone involved. Food Moves is also working with multiple supplying companies like battery providers that focus on replacing loud, unconventional generators with solar powered batteries to improve the food truck business even further!

You can join Food Moves now on iOS and Android to connect with 180 food vendors in New York, Austin, and Philadelphia. You can learn more about this app by going to their website.

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Find a Great Personal Trainer That’s Right for You

Vent-UpVent Up is a platform that is created for personal trainers, clients and gyms. It’s like the “ride sharing” of personal trainers and combines features found in apps like Yelp with others found in apps like Instagram for things like videos, photos’s and certifications.

Vent Up, through it’s mobile app V-Training, provides personal trainers a proper database of clients, and makes it easy for clients to find the gym/trainer that is right for them. Features include an in app messaging system as well as access to native emails with PDF’s and Videos and push notifications are also available.

Currently available in 10 US cities including LA, San Diego and DC, the company is experiencing a growth rate of about 20% per month in their areas and looking forward to growing into other cities but also with extra features. They are slowly moving towards fashion, so clients can purchase the specific looks that the trainers include in the app and they are also eventually planning on being able to calculate macros from photos that clients snap of their food intake and upload into the app to assist with not only training but also health issues such as diabetes.

The app is available in the App Store and Google Play and you can get more information by visiting their website here.

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Yoga Wake Up Will Make Your Morning Positive and Healthy

Yoga Wake UpSometimes waking up to your normal alarm can leave your morning with you feeling irritated and groggy. The Yoga Wake Up app plans to change your morning routine to create a healthy mindfulness that will radiate throughout your day. This app provides a 5 – 15 minute audio wakeup sequence with peaceful music to wake you up in the morning that includes breathing exercises, light stretches, and a self-intention to have a great day.

Yoga Wake Up allows you to set your alarm for any given morning by scheduling what routine you would like to wake up to out of the free or premium choices. There are 17 yoga instructors and 65 different sequences to choose from, each with different intentions. The app also has the ability to send you notifications to let you know when you should be going to sleep the night before your alarm and during the night, will send your recorded sleep data to Apple’s Health Kit and sleep tracker.

You can download the Yoga Wake Up app today on iOS. They are currently working on an android version to be released at the end of the year. You can use the app for free with limited wake up sequences or you could get the premium subscription for $1.99 per month. Find out more about Yoga Wake Up by visiting their website.

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Aclima Makes Sense of the World Around Us

AclimaAclima was founded on the premise that planetary health and human health are interconnected. That our environment effects the way do things. They are bridging the gap between ourselves and the natural world in order to create a new awareness and environmental intelligence. To accomplish this, they perform large scale environment sensor networks in buildings and cities.

We now know that the environment around us contributes to our cognitive function. Things like the increased rate of CO2, light, sound, etc., around us can have a significant impact on how we process information and interact with others. Aclima measures these levels in buildings to give companies an idea of where they stand and an understanding of how this impacts human emotion and ultimately even the bottom line.

Our own PLuGHiTz staff found it fascinating to learn how the environment in the convention center changed with increased activity and we were able to directly correlate that to our own moods and interactions as the day progressed. Find out more about this fascinating process in this interview and to learn even more, check out their website.

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Filegear is the New Way to Store and Access Files

FilegearDo you ever have issues storing all your vacation pictures and 4K videos from years of memories along with documents from work and school? It all adds up and can take up a ton of storage and can really cost you. Filegear has one goal in mind and that is to fix the economics of storage while still offering the accessibility of an online cloud service. Filegear is the better alternative to using multiple hard drives by managing files online and offline without pay the ridiculous prices like most online storage services. You can store all of your content onto one device and you can access it wherever you are from your phone or computer.

This little box is built like a personal cloud storage system with CPU memory, an operating system, and a file sharing management system. It also comes equipped with many different ports where you have the ability to plug in other drives, SD cards, and USB devices for convenience and speed. One of the ports is a network port that connect you to the world.

Free up your space on all of your devices just by purchasing the Filegear device at a onetime price of $300 or you could pay $50 a year and receive a free box. Filegear is expected to launch in October so keep an eye out for their Kickstarter for promotions. Get more information about Filegear by going to their website.

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Now You Can Your Donate Money with Democracy in Mind

Ultimatum IncUltimatum Inc is a new and completely fascinating crowd funding platform for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. The founders looked outside of the norm and realized that by joining funds from multiple, like minded sources, the idea of donating becomes simple and quite lucrative. These “micro donations” are based upon real world events and create an atmosphere where people want to commit to an idea and achieve goals together.

The power of grassroots is massive and the majority who have little can combine together and do more than the few who have a lot. Their web and mobile platforms allow users to make automated donations by choosing exactly which events will trigger the donation to the charity of their choice. They can then boost the reach of the donation by sharing with friends and family on social media. And at the very essence of this process is democracy. We all have the opportunity to put our money where our mouths are and make positive changes in our own government.

This company exist for those who want to move the bar. They exist for Democracy. Get involved! Check out their Indiegogo campaign today.

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Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

Viewing a Home Doesn’t Have to be a Dreary Experience

Visually HomeReal estate tends to be a very restrictive industry that has been doing things the same way for years. Even though there are new websites that allow purchasers to search for and view available listings, there is no consistency in the types or quality of the photos/videos within those listings. Visually Home has set out to be the next dynamic shift in the real estate market.

Visually Home is the only App-based Visual Real Estate Marketing service in the world. They offer professional photography, aerial video and photography footage and matterport 3D rendering, along with the newest thing… virtual staging. Other services include brochures, flyers, mailers, yard signs, window perfs, and vehicle wraps.

Pricing for the photography services are greatly reduced per listing and are combined with a monthly subscription that is based upon each agent’s specific needs. This gives independent agents all the clout of the larger brokers and teams. They are able to customize their individual package while offering consistency and the best quality visual package to every seller, regardless of the listing price. They also offer packages to the “for sale by owner” sellers.

You can learn more about their services by visiting their website

The Struggle of Finding Live Video is Overcome with StreamSearch

StreamSearch LIVEIf you’re looking for live video on the internet today, there is no way to find it. Nothing like Google or Bing existed until now; enter StreamSearch LIVE. Unlike traditional search engines, streamers provide data to StreamSearch in order to be found.

With the system, you can search for the content you’re looking for and watch on the native platform. For example, if the live video is on Facebook Live, you will be taken to their platform to watch. If you’re a broadcaster you can purchase the rights to the video right through the system, allowing you to rebroadcast the content without having to negotiate with the broadcaster, possibly missing the window.

The system is not available yet, but the sharing SDK should be coming soon.

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An Exciting New Anti-Virus for GPS

GPSdomeJust in the last few years there has been an increase in the problem of GPS jammers. Personal privacy is the main reason jammers are used but they create a lot of collateral damage. GPSdome has been created to nullify the jammer.

GPSdome is easy to assemble and use. It attaches between the receiver and the 2 antennas, which are set 4″ apart and pointed in any direction away from the ground. In essence, you “set it and forget it”. It also overcomes spoofers.

This isn’t made or available for the phone but it may be within 3 years. The cost right now is just under $2000. and will eventually be reduced to $400-$600.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.

THATSpace Can Be Your Amazing Space Out of Your Office

COMPANY LOGOSometimes co-working spaces absolutely don’t work because much of the time it is too expensive and not very efficient hence the formation of THATSpace. It is an extension of the co-working space created for maximum productivity of your business in a space that is adequate and attractive. One of the services that this business provides is an update of your Wi-Fi.

This platform is very beneficial for restaurants, coffee shops and hotel lobbies. It allows the business owner to utilize their space at a time when he is not open for business and still possibly increasing his revenue or at least break even. The client in turn, will become a remote worker, and enable his business to continue when he isn’t in his office.

THATSpace is now operating in Malta in its testing phase. It has plans to expand to London by the end of 2017 and eventually into the US. The cost of this service varies, depending greatly on the location and services provided for the time the space is used.

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Declare war on crappy earbuds and treat yourself to a better headphone experience with new Monster headphones.
Blast to the future with the Monster Blaster: the boombox reimagined.