Category Archives: Health

Allergy Butler: a smart approach to airborne allergies in your home

Allergy Butler Home Allergy CareAllergy Butler is a full-service airborne allergy service that brings FDA-approved testing and therapies that can bring you and your family lasting allergy relief, without the need to spend hours at a doctors office. The founder’s family suffered from debilitating airborne allergies, and it is in that spirit that they wanted to offer everyone a convenient allergy treatment that actually works, by bringing together the best research, technology, and experience for you.

Allergies are the 3rd most common chronic disease. Between 30 and 40% of all Americans suffer from them, while also being responsible for 70% of asthma flare-ups, 65% of respiratory infections, and 80% of ear, nose, and throat infections. The service works in 12 easy steps. They arrive at your home, get your basic health information and vitals. They then perform an allergy test, utilizing Comforten: a method that places tiny barbs on your arm that you can barely see and feels as though someone laid a wire brush across your skin. Placing the device 3 times on each arm, they can test for 58 allergens common in your area in addition to 2 control allergens. This is all done quickly because they are doing 10 at a time. Allergy Butler then measures your reaction to the allergens which often manifest as small bumps similar to mosquito bites.

Inputting that information into their software analyzes your results against allergy research, chemistry, botany, biology and anatomy, and even weather patterns. This can provide instant results to create the perfect therapy. A week later they return to your home with a custom immunotherapy regiment, bringing you all the supplies you need, plus training you on everything you need to know. Once you’re trained you start your shots, using the smallest needles available, injecting into the abdomen because there is more fat and fewer nerves, resulting in less pain than in the arm.

If airborne allergies ail you, Allergy Butler may just be the solution. For more information visit the company’s website.

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Marion Surgical has created virtual operating rooms to train surgeons

Marion Surgical VR TrainingWhen most people think of virtual reality, they tend to think of the technology in terms of gaming. However, there are many uses for VR that are not based on entertainment, but instead on education. One area of education that is being enhanced by virtual reality is the medical field. VR and AR can be used to replicate real-world experiences without the cost of the procedure. Marion Surgical is doing just that with surgical education.

There are several steps in a surgeon’s life that can be enhanced using Marion Surgical’s technology. The first is in the early training process. Traditionally, surgical skill is learned through pig labs, but that has issues, such as cost, as well as kosher concerns. Because the VR technology can replicate the process entirely, without the need for the pig, it can be used by anyone for less money. The room is replicated by the headset, while the haptic feedback is provided through robotics. The surgical instruments, however, are real.

The technology can also be used to do training on a particular surgery for a particular patient. Using CT scans, the system can replicate a patient in great detail, allowing for a surgeon to perform a procedure on a patient before bringing them into the operating room. This means that many possible problems can be discovered while in virtual reality, rather than during actual surgery. The simulation gives doctors more than once chance to mitigate these risks without the risk of harming or killing the patient. It may not be a foolproof solution, as unknowns can always happen, but it can certainly be of huge benefit in most cases.

The technology is already being used for training exercises and an exciting experiment is being conducted with two real patients. To find out more about the platform, check out the company’s website.

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Curiato is helping to prevent bedsores and other skin problems

Curiato Smart Bed SheetsIt’s hard to believe that, with all of the technology in a modern hospital, or even in our smartwatches, the part of the body that is completely ignored is our skin. This is despite our skin being the largest organ of the body and the first line of defense that we have against disease and injury. Patients all over the world enter medical facilities for other issues, but develop skin issues while there, all because it is difficult to track. Fortunately, Curiato noticed this problem and has developed a product to help solve it.

The company has developed a smart bedsheet, which is capable of detecting pressure, temperature, and humidity. With those 3 data points, the platform can detect, predict, and prevent injuries like bedsores. While everyone has heard of bedsores, almost no one knows exactly how big the problem of skin issues is. In North America alone, 7 people die every hour from skin issues like bedsores. Yes, you read that right: 7 people die every hour from fairly easily preventable skin issues. However, detection has always been the problem, but Curiato helps to fill that skill gap.

While bedsores may be where the company is starting, they believe that the technology can be used for far more. The intention is to use the platform as a marketplace of ideas and applications. Using the data collected by the existing hardware, other applications can use it, combine it with other data, and make even more powerful platforms. Imagine if the patient management system that helps run an assisted living facility could have Curiato built-in directly. If a patient doesn’t move for an extended period, an ALF employee could be alerted to prevent a permanent or life-threatening injury.

The platform is currently in clinical trials and they hope to begin rolling it out soon. For more information, check out the company’s website.

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BIO-H2-GEN is hoping to bring a new process for producing hydrogen

BIO-H2-GEN Hydrogen ProductionIn the next generation of energy production, hydrogen is going to play a major role. That is regardless of the energy method, whether it be hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen fusion, and even used for space travel. However, the current limitation to hydrogen as a fuel source is in the production of the hydrogen itself. It is expensive, both in terms of money and resources. That may all change if William Knapp’s company, BIO-H2-GEN, can get their technology off the ground.

Knapp’s patented technology uses a ready, nearly never-ending source of materials for production, coming from wastewater treatment. As it stands now, these treatment facilities spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to remove and dispose of the bacteria that produce hydrogen sulfide in their facilities. However, this same chemical can be used to produce hydrogen with a zero-carbon process. By adding this process to the treatment facilities, they can reduce their treatment costs, as well as generate revenue from the resulting hydrogen.

BIO-H2-GEN is still at an early stage. They received 20 patents early this year for the technology. This was an important validation of the technology and the process, which helps move to the next stage: testing. The company is currently looking for a partner to help bring the idea out of the concept and into reality. This would require building one or more pilot plants, which could be distributed to treatment facilities for monitoring.

Knapp has already tapped a couple of engineering firms, with whom he will spend several weeks perfecting a prototype refinery, once partners come forward. The partners needed are for production and capital for operational and equipment expenses. For more information on the process, or to contact the company to inquire about partnering, you can check out the company’s website.

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BooknBrunch brings people together over food, fun, and reading

BooknBrunch Book ClubsIn an age where technology is becoming our companion, it is getting harder and harder to feel connected to other people. For some, it can create a deep depression, which causes isolation, only exacerbating the problem. In this case, simply finding a way to connect with someone over a commonality can be a lifesaver. Such was the case for the sister of Daniela Kelloway, who created BooknBrunch after seeing her sister’s experience with depression. By simply creating a book club and spending time with people, her depression began to lift.

BooknBrunch is a platform that allows people to create a meal-based meetup group without all of the overhead of going out to eat with a group. The platform has information about restaurants that cater to groups, including group menus and private room details. Once the restaurant is chosen, the style of meeting can be chosen. You can have people pay for their meals ahead of time, taking the financial burden off of the organizer. It also eliminates the awkward and annoying period at the end of the meal, but before the end of the event, where a server comes around with checks. Now you can simply enjoy the event during the event.

There are also big benefits for attendees, in addition to the end of event financial benefits. If the organizer has made the event public, anyone can find it and join the group. You can see the restaurant details, event menu, and price of the meetup. Plus, you can see the book that the group will be discussing with a link to purchase, so you can make sure to read it ahead of time. You can also see information about the host, including a rating of their past events.

Because of the need to build venue relationships, BooknBrunch is currently available in a couple of parts of Canada, with expansion plans for the near and long term future. Find out more about the platform on their website.

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ChiKeey helps you and your loved ones connect with your emotions

ChiKeey Digital Mood RingWho remembers the mood rings of the ’70s? They were all the rage and in the day the first year sold 20 million units. Fast forward to today and the technology available to improve on the idea. Guiliana Kotikela is the founder and CEO of ChiKeey which is modernizing the mood ring of the ’70s and ’80s. It is a biometric digital mood ring made to show emotions that allows you to connect with people.

On the ring, there are bio-physiological sensors that help you to understand yourself and in turn, understand others. Determining factors are the way you speak, skin temperature and the sweat that is emitted from your skin, and even your blood oxygen level. In the testing, the vocal biomarkers were found to be 90% accurate in 100 different trials. As of now, 8 different moods can be detected: fear, anxiety, desperation, joy, ecstasy, frustration, contentment, and neutrality.

In her previous job, Guiliana traveled a lot and had to leave her children home. While skyping with a daughter in the evening, she always asked her how her day was and felt that a quiet “fine” was not quite accurate because there was no eye contact from her daughter. Two days later the school called her to say that the girl was being bullied. That incident is what prompted the idea for this ring. Now there is relief on the mothers part because she can immediately know what her daughter’s mood is and if there is a problem.

Mood sharing is made possible through the connected app. The wearer has the option to share their readings in real-time with the friends and family of their choosing. These people can respond based on the moods shown. For example, if you see that your bestie is having a hard time, you can call them up and offer to bring over ice cream to make it better! Connections with friends and loved ones are important to our overall daily well-being.

This product is available soon. For more information go to their website.

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CoHealth brings medical peace of mind to patients and caretakers

CoHealth Patient ManagementIf you have ever had to deal with a chronic health issue, or even a serious one-time issue, either for yourself or a loved one, you know that the biggest issue is communication between the medical professional and the patient and caretakers. Doctors’ instructions can be missed, steps can be misheard, and life-altering side effects can be the result. Luckily, now there’s CoHealth, a patient relationship platform that enhances the experience of both patients and caretakers.

Take, for example, the experience of one of the company’s co-founders, Zack. He broke his leg while playing Ultimate Frisbee (yes, everyone involved knows it’s an embarrassing injury). While we all think of a broken bone as a fairly routine issue, Zack’s experience was anything but. He was told that, if his leg began to tingle, he should return to the hospital IMMEDIATELY, because it could indicate a serious issue. Unfortunately, because of the trauma of the injury and/or the medications, he didn’t hear this instruction. When his leg began to tingle, he almost didn’t respond, Fortunately, he went to another hospital, who told him if he had waited any longer, he might have lost his leg. All this because of Frisbee.

This experience was the birth of CoHealth. No longer are there missed instructions, because they are all spelled out in the app. No longer are family members left in the dark, as caretakers can also be given access to the app – able to see the same instructions and follow-up care as the patient. And, to make it better, the platform is made available to patients and caretakers at no direct cost. This means that the enhanced medical experience will not cost the patients anything.

The platform is available now from various healthcare providers in the Northeast, including Canada and New York, with plans to expand its reach over time.

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Conscioux helps you be conscious about improving your health

Conscioux Plant-Based DietCompanies all across the world are looking for ways to reduce health care costs. One of the growing trends in this area is by encouraging employees to try out alternative diets. The food we eat is one of the biggest contributors to obesity, which leads to sleep apnea, heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. One diet that is gaining popularity is a plant-based diet which is offered to employees through Conscioux.

While most people recognize the term vegan, they are most likely unfamiliar with the term plant-based. Both terms refer to eating food made up of only plants and include no products made from or produced by any animals. This includes meat, dairy, honey, and many other things. The difference between the terms is in their intentions: plant-based is for health and nutrition and vegan includes ethical and social aspects.

Conscioux is a platform that combines software, coaching, sleep, and plant-based diet to help companies create a healthier and more productive workforce. Employees can see their progress, work with a health coach and find healthy recipes all through a personalized dashboard. The platform currently has over 8000 recipes available and can be sorted based on effects on chronic diseases. For those struggling with adhering to the program, dedicated health coaches are there to support their journey to better health.

Human Resources can see overview data on the employees’ health and track how the platform is helping the people in the company get healthier. They can see trend lines for stress, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, hours of sleep and overall happiness.

Because of the company’s strong focus on data, they are the first plant-based nutrition program to be approved by an insurance carrier for preventative health. This means that some insurers will reimburse part of the cost of the platform.

Conscioux is available now in Beta. For more information, go to their website.

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AlgaeTracker is the new way to prevent algae growth in your water

AlgaeTrackerIn this day and age, clean water is vital and being threatened in many ways. Harmful bacteria and algae blooms are everywhere and it is crucial to be able to rectify or better yet, prevent the problem in the first place. That’s where Chris Lee comes in. He is the founder and CEO of AquaRealTime, a company created to prevent contamination of natural waterways lakes, rivers, streams and the oceans.

Good algae can have a lot of positive benefits that include nutritional supplements and are used to produce biofuel. However, there are also harmful algae, which can have many toxins in it that cause sickness and diseases. Chris has come up with an easy and very affordable way to predict and prevent this. The system uses sensors that float in the water, anchored to docks, buoys, and just held in place with a boat anchor in the targeted area, combined with predictive analytics that runs in the cloud. The most important thing about these sensors is that they are small, at only 10 pounds and can be installed in a few hours by one person, rather than 200 pounds and needing 2 men for about a week and a half. That sends notices to customers, such as the government agencies and water management districts about what is happening so they can avert disaster. This can also be of great benefit to hotels, country clubs, and HOAs.

Also, interested parties can purchase reports regarding data from the past. For example, the Gulf Coast states who were affected by the Red Tide are starting to contact their insurance companies for reimbursement of damages. These insurance companies will want to investigate and prove damages. Part of that process is retrieving historical data.

The product is in testing now and is looking for people who are willing to participate. For more information, go to their website.

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Specialized AI gives Boson Innovations a clear edge in medical imaging

Boson InnovationsOne of the things that attract us to Collision Conference is the wide range of products and technologies that are exhibited every year. There are so many great new devices and apps that are geared towards entertainment, security, and health. And we love getting a chance to see them all.

For our first interview this year, we were thrilled to learn about some new medical advancements that will help us as patients by first helping our doctors. Traveling to Collision Conference from Mexico, Roberto Montoya, CEO of Boson Innovations, stopped by to show off what his startup, is currently working on. They are seeking to solve problems in the medical industry by adding artificial intelligence to the analysis of medical imaging with their system called SMAIR VISION. This allows doctors to give a more accurate diagnosis, in less time. From the sounds of it, the process could not be easier to integrate into their existing workflow. The doctors will add their normal images, i.e. MRI/X-Ray, to this newly developed platform and with the click of a button, the software will analyze the images by using integrated whole algorithms. The image is then quickly processed and the doctor is given immediate feedback to assist in formulating the diagnosis.

Their platform is still in the early stages, but they have a working prototype that is performing as expected at this time. They are in the process of increasing accuracy and are then planning to add enhancements as testing continues. The product will first be launched in Mexico, where the tests are currently being conducted. They hope to bring it next to the US and Canada, with prospects of eventually being worldwide.

Their mission is to provide doctors with safe and effective medical diagnostic assistance services that encompass multiple types of medical images. A system of this nature will be able to assist in more than 10 different medical specialties, giving doctors and patients, alike, the peace of mind of knowing that they have the proper diagnosis.

Find out more by watching the full interview. For more information and to follow their journey, check out their website.

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