Lego Education Builds a Future Through its Famous Blocks

legoeducationIdeas and inventions, like those shown off this year at CES, need people to first come up with the concepts that will be brought to life. There is a good chance that future presenters may have had their minds shaped by Lego Education.

Out to show that the simple building blocks can be used for more than just constructing a simple car or a complex castle, Lego Education announced at CES its WeDo 2.0, which is designed to bring science to life in the classroom through robotics. According to senior segment manager Leshia Hoot, WeDo 2.0 was put together with elementary-age students in mind and teaches them the basics of things from coding and programming to working with motors and sensors. The concept was kept simplified to make it accessible to both students and teachers, with easy-to-use software that is icon-based drag and drop.

According to Hoot, the core set of WeDo 2.0 retails for about $160 and comes with several projects, access to the software and a curriculum guide with 40-plus hours of activity. More information can be found at or if you are outside of the U.S.

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Interview by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology

Vert Brings Athletic Tracking to a New Level

Vert LogoIn the world of professional athletics, stats are everything. Not just the typical stats that fans might see like hits or points scored. But in-depth numbers about things like pitch counts and jump heights. Traditionally, this kind of information was difficult to obtain. But technology company Vert is working to change that.

Nick met with Martin Matak, the founder and president of Vert. Martin’s company has designed a small, wearable chip that tracks all kind of athletic data. The Vert platform can record pitch counts, play intensity, and more. Vert also tracks “effort,” taking into account how much a player has done in a specific amount of time. The Vert clip can be worn with an integrated belt designed specifically for Vert or the clip can be incorporated into a player’s existing uniform/clothing. Vert clips are currently on the market for $125 and they work with a mobile app that can be downloaded for free.

Nick DiMeo is an audio engineer and show host at F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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NexPaq Modules Bring Versatility to IoT

NexPaq logoThe recent boom in smart, connected technology has given consumers more opportunities than ever before to command and control different devices. But if you want to bring the so-called “Internet of Things” into your home, you’re faced with potentially having to buy a small army’s worth of new devices to replace your old ones. What if there was a platform that allowed you to create your own IoT system using modules that could be configured to do almost anything? That’s what NexPaq is doing with its modular products.

Aylee met with Steve Safarowic, Chief Marking Officer of NexPaq. Steve showed off his company’s innovative system that uses modules to do specific things. First, he demonstrated a special smartphone case that interacts with the phone. Users can add modules to extend battery life or create programmable hotkeys to do certain tasks like turning on lights or making a phone call. NexPaq also has a standalone device that uses its modular system without a smartphone. NexPaq also has a developer kit that can be used to create new modules. Developers can even submit their modules to the NexPaq store where they could become available to sell to other NexPaq users. NexPaq smartphone cases and modules are available for purchase thru the NexPaq shop.

Aylee Nielsen is a video host who specializes in covering live events for PLuGHiTz Live.

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Intel Brought a Segway Robot to CES 2016

IntelThose of us who have dreamed about having our very own robot probably didn’t imagine that it would roll along like a Segway. Intel has teamed up with Segway to reimagine the Segway in the robotic world.

Nakia spoke with Platform Architect for Intel, Han Heng Jeun, at the Intel Real Sense Technology Section at CES 2016. They talked about the unique personal robot assistant that was on display.

The robot has two main functions. One is that it can transform into an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) that you can ride. The robot has a Segway as its base. People can step onto it and ride around. When a person no longer needs the robot to be an SPV, it can be transformed back into robot mode.

The robot uses the Intel RealSense RGB-D camera to enable depth sensing. This helps it to do real time 3D mapping that it will use to navigate a room. It also has a microphone array that allows you to send voice command to the Segway robot from anywhere in the room. It can be programed to understand a command like “follow me”.

The robot has an open SDK on Android platform that developers can use create cool new things that the personal assistant Segway robot can do. They will launch the platform and SDK to makers and developers in the second quarter of 2016.

Nakia Mann is a video host who specializes in covering live events for PLuGHiTz Live.

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QNX Provides the Platform for ADAS

QNX logoQNX might be a name that is unfamiliar to you, but their technology could be inside your vehicle. QNX has worked with more than 40 different automakers across the world, and has an over 50% market share in infotainment dashboards.

Nick spoke with Global Director of Business Development at QNX, Andrew Poliak, at CES 2016. They discussed the many ways that the QNX software platform is being used in vehicles. They are in OnStar and in Ford Sync 3. QNX provides the whole software platform that car radios and entertainment systems are built on.

What makes the QNX platform unique is that it is highly reliable, it gives an immersive experience, and has a great customizable interface. Their platform can use the same operating system to run safety critical components in a vehicle as well as the vehicle’s entertainment components.

At CES 2016, QNX had a number of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) demonstrations that showed the pedigree that they already have in vehicles, and that blends that information with an entertainment experience. QNX Software Developer Nabil Ould-Brahim gave Nick a demonstration from inside a vehicle.

Nick DiMeo is an audio engineer and show host at F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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Panasonic’s Rugged Tough Tablets go Everywhere

Panasonic LogoTablet computers have become mainstays in our lives in recent years. The compact, yet powerful, nature of these devices makes it easier than ever to perform computing tasks in almost any environment. But most consumer-grade tablets aren’t designed for things like labs, construction sites, or other specialized areas. That’s where Panasonic’s line of Tough Tablets come in.

Aylee stopped by the Panasonic booth to speak with product manager Steven Sikorski. Steven showed off Panasonic’s new line of rugged tablets that are designed to be used in any possible environment. These tablets can run on up to two batteries for 16-20 hours before needing to be recharged. These rugged tablets start with a smaller 7-inch highly portable model and run all the way up to the 20″ ToughPad 4K. All of Panasonic’s Tough brand tablets are currently available for purchase and pricing varies, depending on the model.

Aylee Nielsen is a video host who specializes in covering live events for PLuGHiTz Live.

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NVIDIA is Accelerating the Race to Driverless Cars

nvidia logoFor more than two decades, NVIDIA has pioneered visual computing, the art and science of computer graphics. Their work is at the center of the most consequential mega-trends in technology – virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and self-driving cars.

Aylee spoke with Senior Manager of Automotive Integration at NVIDIA, Dave Anderson, at CES 2016. They talked about the brand new NVIDIA DRIVE PX 2 platform. It is essentially a supercomputer for your car. DRIVE PX2 becomes the brain that will effectively allow our cars to become self driving. The platform has the power of 150 MacBook Pros onboard in a single computing platform.

NVIDIA has partnered with Volvo who will be doing an autonomous vehicle trial in 2017.

Aylee Nielsen is a video host who specializes in covering live events for PLuGHiTz Live.

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Denso Explores “Smarter Mobility, Smarter Living”

Denso logoDenso is a global automotive supplier. They supply to all automakers in the world. Denso thinks that everything is going to be connected in the future.

Aylee spoke with Manager of Corporate Communications at Denso International America, Bridgette LaRose, at CES 2016. Denso’s concept at CES 2016 was “Smarter Mobility, Smarter Living”. Their booth showed what a more connected world would be like, and also gave examples of how Denso’s technologies could be used to create a smarter, safer, more convenient world.

Denso wants their technology to lead to better quality of life for people around the world. At CES 2016, Denso had a Smarter City display and a virtual reality display that showed what a more connected world would look like. Denso also had a display that showed how connectivity plays an important role in the ability to achieve automated driving.

Aylee Nielsen is a video host who specializes in covering live events for PLuGHiTz Live.

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Toyota’s FCV Plus Will Use Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Toyota logoToyota believes that hydrogen is the future of the automotive industry. They have created a concept vehicle called the FCV Plus, which demonstrates Toyota’s vision of a connected, sustainable hydrogen society.

Nakia spoke with Product Specialist for Toyota, Maggie Clark, at CES 2016. They talked about Toyota’s FCV Plus. It is a concept vehicle that uses hydrogen fuel cell technology that Toyota has been working on since 1992.

The FCV Plus is capable of generating electricity directly from hydrogen stored outside the vehicle and thus operating as a stable source of electric power for use at home or on the go. The FCV Plus will be able to generate so much electricity that it will be able to wirelessly charge an electric vehicle that is pulled up next to it. The FCV Plus could also be plugged into the grid and be able to charge up to ten homes on a block.

The fuel cells themselves are very advanced. When it is time to replace your vehicle with a new one, you could remove the fuel cell stack and continue using it as a stationary fuel cell stack that can provide electricity to your home or business.

Toyota is expecting that their FCV Plus concept vehicle will be on the market around 2030.

Nakia Mann is a video host who specializes in covering live events for PLuGHiTz Live.

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The It Bed Gives You the Best Sleep Possible

Sleep Number logoSleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It can be really hard to get up for work in the morning after having a bad night’s sleep. Sleep Number has been around for 35 years and they strongly believe that it is important to get the best sleep possible. One way to do that is with their new It bed.

Nakia spoke with Senior Product Manager at Sleep Number, Kelley Parker, at CES 2016. They talked about the It bed, which is something new from Sleep Number. The It bed is the only bed designed to make you smarter, healthier, and happier.

The It bed is targeted for the first time mattress buyer. You can order the It bed online, and it will come right to your door. You can set the bed up in fifteen minutes or less. The bed tracks and monitors your sleep with Sleep IQ technology. You will get recommendations on how to get a better night’s sleep based on your own personal habits and activities. This information helps you to get the best sleep possible.

Another great thing about the It bed is that it has active comfort technology. This enables a person who likes a firm mattress, and who has a sleep partner who likes a soft mattress, to both find their Sleep Number setting in the It bed.

The It bed will become available in the Summer of 2016. The price starts at around $1,000.

Nakia Mann is a video host who specializes in covering live events for PLuGHiTz Live.

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