FIBARO Walli brings a distinct new look to your smarthome setup

FIBAROThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept that makes the smart home possible, but Z-Wave is the technology that makes it work together. What it means is, no matter what company you buy your products from, if it is part of the Z-Wave Alliance, you know that they will be compatible with one another.

One member of the Z-Wave Alliance is FIBARO, with a visually distinct style of smarthome accessories. While most companies take a very subtle approach to their designs, FIBARO skews the other way, choosing instead to use bright colors and bold designs. The newest addition to their smarthome lineup is their Walli line, a line of round outlets and switches.

Following the company’s design language, these products are designed to stand out and look good. Whether you are looking at an electrical outlet, a dimmer, switch, or shutter control, all of the products are circular. Many of the products also feature a lighten ring around the outside, which is also something the company has been known for in their existing wall plug line. They even offer matching outlets for cable, Ethernet, and USB.

FIBARO has also updated its Home Center app. The new version brings with it a much more streamlined interface, designed to make using the products easier. More importantly, and certainly most interestingly, the app has added into it machine learning and analytics. The app is able to learn the user’s behaviors and find and suggest new scenes that could improve their daily routine. For example, if you regularly turn on two sets of lights right after unlocking your front door, the app might be able to create a scene for you to automate that process.

The Walli line will be available soon in Europe, with a planned launch in the US in late 2019 or early 2020. FIBARO’s other products can be found on Amazon.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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The DoorCam 2 from Remo+ gives renters the security of a camera

Remo+ smarthome cameraHome security is one of the most consistent technology fields because it is important for everyone. No one wants to live in a scenario where they don’t feel safe, both inside and outside the home. The past year has made security outside of the home even more important than ever, with the increase in thefts of packages by “porch pirates.” Remo+ has a new camera to make this accessible to everyone called DoorCam 2.

Knowing that someone is at your door is great, but installing cameras or video doorbells is not always possible. For example, if you live in an apartment, you may not even have the ability to place a doorbell, let alone something as complicated as a security camera. You still want to know if someone is outside, either to protect packages or simply to know who is at the door. The new DoorCam 2 requires no special installation, as it simply fits over the top of the door. That means no holes, and no lost security deposit when you leave.

Adding to the ease of installation is that there is no power cable required for operation. The camera can be powered by a battery that will run for up to 12 months. If plugging the camera in is more your style, though, you can power it off of a standard micro USB cable, which comes with the camera.

When someone comes to the door or comes into the active frame of the camera, you can receive an alert on your mobile phone. From there, you can then open a two-way conversation with the person, either to say you’re not available, ask them to wait, or tell them to leave.

In addition to DoorCam 2, Remo+ also has more traditional style video doorbells. The RemoBell S, the newest member of the family, is the first hardwired video doorbell from the company. You will have the same type of alerts as the DoorCam 2, based on activity in the field of view. For those whose door faces a neighbor’s door, or might have a long field of view, you can customize what field will alert.

The RemoBell S is available now for $99, and the DoorCam 2 will be available starting in April 2019 for $199.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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Moona can now make struggling with sleep a thing of the past for you

Moona Sleep AssistantAs many of us well know, getting a good nights sleep can be a challenge. Aside from factors such as unusual work schedules or new parenthood, insomnia is reportedly one of the most common sleep problems. For every person who has a problem with sleep, there is another person with some advice or something they should try to fix the issue. But obviously, it’s not that simple. Or is it? The folks at Moona have what they feel is the perfect solution.

Their mission at Moona is to help those who struggle with sleep, as according to their statistics it affects one-third of adults in the United States. And it’s not just a matter of people feeling tired all of the time or missing out on things in their lives, which quite honestly is bad enough. But more importantly, not getting an adequate amount of sleep on a consistent basis has serious health consequences, as well. It also obviously can affect relationships and work productivity. For all of these reasons, they’ve worked to find a better solution and through their research, they found that temperature is actually a key factor in sleep quality. And if this sounds odd to you, just think about how many times in your life you have flipped your pillow over to get to the cool side.

Some studies have shown that lower temperatures in the area of the head and neck actually help people to not only fall asleep more quickly but also stay asleep longer, reaching a deeper level of sleep. It is based upon this research that they developed their technology. Moona is a smart system with a pillow pad that is inserted on top of any pillow. It is connected to a bedside device with a pump that continuously circulates water through the pad to help keep this important head and neck area cooler, and thus allowing for better sleep patterns. Now, they realize that merely having this cooling technology is not enough because it’s not a “one size fits all” kind of solution. Every person is different, so along with the cooling pad is the ability to customize the user settings to your exact specifications. You’ll be able to set the perfect fall asleep temperature, stay asleep temperature, and even the perfect wake up temperature for you. That’s right, you can program it, right from a phone app, to gently help wake you up on the morning by warming up. Temperatures can be customized and preset from 70 to 97 degrees. They have also tested the product for durability, so you will not need to worry about any leaking no matter how restless you are when you sleep.

Moona is expected to retail at $399, but for a limited time, you can get a discount of $100 during their preorder campaign. After you’ve watched the interview, head over to their website to get more information and order one for yourself.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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This Irish company is bringing the smartest solution to the smarthome

Xunison X-BrainThe smarthome continues to get smarter with the new X-Brain from Xunison. The X-Brain can become your “brain” for all of your smarthome devices but it does not end there. There are 5 capabilities/devices included in 1 main hub so not only does the X-Brain give you easy access to all of your smarthome devices, it also comes with a built-in router, the ability to connect straight to your TV, fully included antivirus and firewall software to keep your smarthome and devices safe and parental controls for internet access and devices connected.

The CEO of Xunison, Ryan O’Donovan discusses the juicy details and specs for this new, innovative product. Once you finish the quick and easy X-Brain setup by connecting it straight to your television, you have full access to all of its capabilities through the X-Brain remote control. The router information is easily accessible through the application and allows you to be able to update your ID and passwords. There is also an option that allows you to view all of your connected smarthome devices such as other TVs, smarthome assistants, or even your smart refrigerator. From here you have full control of internet access to any device at any given time, and a list of the websites each device accesses on your network. This feature is fantastic for parental controls when you want your child to go to bed at a certain time without fear of them accessing their devices late in the night.

Security is another very important topic that Xunison has certainly taken care of. Each device comes armed with secure antivirus software and firewall that will keep your X-brain as well as every connected device safe from hackers and vulnerabilities. If there is a breach in the X-Brain, you are immediately notified of the hack and ways you can prevent this from happening again. Also note, if there is a breach in one X-Brain, all other X-Brains sold around the world are learning from each other and other attacks. They are updated every day in the background so there is no need to sit through regular updates that stop usability.

The Xunison X-Brain is expected to be launched in the first or second quarter of 2019. This product will be for sale at $229 and could be found online at the Xunison website or in person Costco, Walmart, and Best Buy.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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PicoBrew makes home brewing safer and easier with the PicoStill and Z

PicoBrewThe craft brew industry has become increasingly popular over the past decade or so. In fact, it has become so popular that more and more people are looking to make beer and spirits at home. Creating your own means that you can create a flavor that is very unique, and can represent you perfectly. However, the process can be difficult because of its intricacy. Thankfully, PicoBrew has a line of products to help make the process easier.

The newest and most distinct is the PicoStill, an attachment designed to fit with the Pico Model C. While brewing beer or distilling spirits, the Pico C is used to heat the liquid being used in the PicoStill. It makes the process of distilling herbs, hops, grains, spices, water, and more almost as easy as making coffee. More importantly, it takes away a number of the dangers inherent in creating alcohol, by automatically separating the methanol. It also allows brewers and distillers to infuse their creations with oils, including hops, herbs, spices, and even rose petals.

In addition to the PicoStill is the Pico Z, a fully automated brewing appliance. It was originally designed specifically for beer but has been enhanced to be a complete beverage appliance. The new model still supports beer, but adds coffee and kombucha to the mix, as well as doubling as a sous vide machine. Using the Pico Z, you can build your recipes through the website, or use a pre-built recipe, and access them on the machine. The most interesting feature is the ability to expand the Pico Z’s capacity. This is accomplished through the device’s modular design and can support from 2.5 to 10 gallons.

The PicoStill is available now for $349 or paired with the Pico C for $748. The Pico Z is available for pre-order now, starting at $2199. For more information, or to purchase, check out their website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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SquareOne is a new way to play board games in a digital world

Wizama SquareOneIf you are anything like our team, you really enjoy board games. However, sometimes you just want something new that isn’t in your collection. That means going out to a store and buying a game, or waiting for something to be delivered. But, for many games, what you receive has a lot of similarities to other games you have: player markers (or pieces), dice, a board or playing surface. Wizama has taken the common ground between these games and made them digital, for a new type of gaming with SquareOne.

Combining a collection of markers, characters, and cards, all enhanced with near field communication (NFC) with an LCD screen and connected dice, allows gamers to experience their favorite games in a new way, as well as a whole new type of game. For the more traditional, game makers can use the screen to replicate their standard game board. Then, using the connected markers, cards, and dice, can make their gameplay even better.

The really interesting ability of SquareOne, however, is how it can create all kinds of new types of games. For example, using the exact same pieces you are already familiar with, you can play a digital version of air hockey. But, by adding in the NFC-powered cards, you can also play a game that combines the best parts of air hockey and Astroids, called Cosmo Squabble. These are the types of games that used to require something like an original Microsoft Surface (the table version, not the tablet), but now is small enough to be portable.

The SquareOne console will be available for pre-order at the end of 2019, with expected delivery in 2020. The price is expected to be a little less than $500. Right now, they are working to finalize the hardware designed and build partnerships so the console launches with a wide catalog of games. For more information about SquareOne and to follow the product’s development, check out their website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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Danalock offers flexible access along with superior home security

Danalock V3The Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept that makes the smart home possible, but Z-Wave is the technology that makes it work together. What it means is, no matter what company you buy your products from, if it is part of the Z-Wave Alliance, you know that they will be compatible with one another.

One member of the Z-Wave Alliance is Danalock, a Danish company that produces door locks that is compatible with Z-Wave technology. Danalock has been in this business for ten years, producing quality home security equipment. They pride themselves on keeping your home safe, even when you are away and with flexible access control. Their exciting new product is a wireless digital keypad that is compatible with their V3 system, which is an automatic lock that can detect your arrival and unlock for you. The new keypad offers wireless versatility and an added way to access the home and can be purchased for only $69 and integrated into your V3 technology, or an entirely new system can be purchased for $149.

There are several advantages to having a wireless keypad. First of all, since there are no wires attached, the keypad can be placed anywhere along the outside of your door, not just on the deadbolt. In this way, you can make your home entrance more aesthetically pleasing. This feature can also increase safety, as the keypad does not have to be in an obvious location. It is not necessary to download an app to work with the keypad, as it functions independently, along with your Z-Wave technology. You need only enter your PIN to gain entrance. Now if you expect guests or maintenance workers in your home, you no longer need to ask them to download an app to be able to unlock your door. Just give them their own PIN, and use your outdoor camera monitor to see that only the correct people are trying to enter your home. No one whom you are expecting ends up stuck outside the door, unable to get inside. It truly offers more flexibility all around.

Danalock is offering the best in technology, making it easier, more convenient, and more aesthetic to secure your home, along with Z-Wave. Information on Danalock products and the products themselves are available on their website. You can get the Danalock V3 and the Danapad V3 now.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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The ZOMEKIT can help building owners save power and generate revenue

Zome Energy NetworksThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept that makes the smart home possible, but Z-Wave is the technology that makes it work together. What it means is, no matter what company you buy your products from, if it is part of the Z-Wave Alliance, you know that they will be compatible with one another.

One member of the Z-Wave Alliance is Zome Energy Networks, which has a different approach to the ecosystem. While most companies focus on the controllers and devices, Zome focuses on how to use those devices to conserve energy on a large scale and make some money. This is done through a program provided by power companies, where they pay building owners to help conserve power during peak times. Imagine, during the middle of summer in Florida, if the power company could reduce usage just a little, it could make a big difference.

Because of this. Zome Energy has built a Z-Wave gateway, called ZOMEKIT, that is powerful enough to control an entire building. This system can be installed by apartments, office complexes, and more, with only a single ZOMEKIT needed to cover the entire building, rather than needing one in every individual unit. Once installed, the gateway can be used to turn off power-hungry products, such as water heaters and air conditioners, allowing two of the highest consuming appliances in the house to get a rest. That rest translates into power savings, which the power companies reward with a financial bonus.

Right now, the ZOMEKIT is in a private beta testing phase in a small number of buildings. The company is currently accepting interested parties to expand the beta program, as well as interest for after launch. For more information on the ZOMEKIT, check out the company’s website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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Jasco makes your movie night better with a wireless Z-Wave hub

Jasco ProductsThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept that makes the smart home possible, but Z-Wave is the technology that makes it work together. What it means is, no matter what company you buy your products from, if it is part of the Z-Wave Alliance, you know that they will be compatible with one another.

One member of the Z-Wave Alliance is Jasco, one of the most diverse manufacturers of Z-Wave products. Whether you are looking for lights, switches, outlets, or alarms, Jasco has got them for you. While you may not immediately know the name, you have likely encountered their products. This is because they hold licenses for GE, Honeywell, Energizer, and Philips. While they may make a lot of products, there are a few true standouts this year.

The first is a lightswitch that doubles as a motion sensor. The motion can be used to turn on the light that is attached to the switch, or it can be used for occupancy. These switches have become popular for assisted living facilities because they can help staff know when a room has been empty or without any motion for an extended period of time. Second is their door and window sensor. The sensor uses a magnetic contact that is so small that it can actually be hidden right into the frame of a door or window, making it far less of an obvious addition. The third is a leak detector designed to alert you when a surface gets wet. It is definitely a perfect pairing for your water heater, where a leak can flood a whole house.

The product line that really stood out for us, however, is the portable remotes. These products can attach to the wall, like a standard light switch, or be popped off and brought with you. It’s the perfect accessory for use in a living room, where you really don’t want to open your phone to turn off the lights. It’s also great for the bedroom, where you can make adjustments to brightness and more. There are two versions of the switches, one with standard hub controller, and one with full scene control capabilities.

Jasco products can be found at retailers worldwide, with some of the newly announced products coming soon.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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QOLSYS has a better way to easily control all your smart home devices

QOLSYS IQpanelThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept that makes the smart home possible, but Z-Wave is the technology that makes it work together. What it means is, no matter what company you buy your products from, if it is part of the Z-Wave Alliance, you know that they will be compatible with one another.

One member of the Z-Wave Alliance is QOLSYS, a company which has developed a seven inch HD touchscreen that is an all in one platform, called the IQpanel. It eliminates the need for multiple protocols to run all of the smart products within the home. “You’ll find a lot of people touting their latest, greatest solution, and many times those solutions are based on a single protocol… We believe that interoperability is very important,” says Jeremy McLerran, Director of Marketing.

It is capable of commanding seven different wireless protocols. It can be responsible for your home security system, as well as countless other functions, such as lighting, thermostat control, locking and unlocking doors, controlling garage doors, motion sensors, and communication from different parts of the home. The great part is that almost any systems you may already have in place can be integrated into this system, keeping you from purchasing new, unneeded hardware and software. It can play as big or as small a part within the home as you wish and can be linked by Bluetooth to each family member’s smartphone. It is possible to add to its capability by purchasing additional devices as the need arises. Local suppliers offer monthly subscriptions or one-time purchases of the hardware.

The benefits of this technology are countless. The platform has the potential to cut your energy bill in half. It also provides handy monitoring of other rooms in the home, which comes in handy if you have children. There is the capability of having a photo sent to your phone every time a family member enters the home, while you are away. You can order and install the system yourself or have a representative come and install it. Once you get it in place, you’ll love all of the extras. Imagine having your phone set to shut down your lights, change your thermostat, lock your doors, and raise your garage door as you are leaving home. All of these tedious tasks and many more can now be handled from one platform, saving you time and the stress of wondering if you have forgotten something.

QOLSYS simplifies the process of day-to-day life and has the advantage of integrating almost any systems you may have already purchased, making it a great deal, which builds on the hardware you may already have in your home. To learn more about all of their products and services, visit their website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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