You’ve never had this much fun exploring a city in your life!

Driftscape Local GuideChloe Duesberg is the CEO and co-founder of an exciting new company called Driftscape. Driftscape is a mobile app platform for local cultural organizations to share their information and events. It enables them to reach a broader audience and, more importantly, gives users a great way to find in-depth information about local arts, culture, and history, all in one place.

Driftscape is a mobile app that provides a platform for local organizations that shares site-specific stories, tours, and events. It’s a great resource to find out what’s happening in a particular city. The easy to use platform even pairs nicely with augmented reality modes to provide a fun new way to tour, explore and discover hidden gems all around you. Simply hold your phone up and zoom around to find markers that represent places of interest and read all about them. You can find events that are happening along with places of 
interest as well as tours. There is so much to explore. It’s perfect when looking for new things to do in your home town and even better when you are traveling. Take Toronto, for example, where Collision Conference 2019 was located. There are over 30 local organizations already using the platform. This is perfect for tourists who are looking for points of interest and things to do, and also for business travelers who may not have a lot of time to see all of the sites and want make the most what’s around them during their downtime. And also great for locals to find something in their city that they never even realized was there.

The best part is, for Users, the app is free and it provides a great way to explore what’s around you. Simply select what you’re interested in it, and start walking. You’ll be notified when there’s something nearby. And for Organizations, Driftscape is a powerful tool that helps them get your stories out there, as well as potentially generate more interest and possibly revenue.

Learn more details by watching the full interview and visit their website to find out more about what Driftscape can do for you.

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AlgaeTracker is the new way to prevent algae growth in your water

AlgaeTrackerIn this day and age, clean water is vital and being threatened in many ways. Harmful bacteria and algae blooms are everywhere and it is crucial to be able to rectify or better yet, prevent the problem in the first place. That’s where Chris Lee comes in. He is the founder and CEO of AquaRealTime, a company created to prevent contamination of natural waterways lakes, rivers, streams and the oceans.

Good algae can have a lot of positive benefits that include nutritional supplements and are used to produce biofuel. However, there are also harmful algae, which can have many toxins in it that cause sickness and diseases. Chris has come up with an easy and very affordable way to predict and prevent this. The system uses sensors that float in the water, anchored to docks, buoys, and just held in place with a boat anchor in the targeted area, combined with predictive analytics that runs in the cloud. The most important thing about these sensors is that they are small, at only 10 pounds and can be installed in a few hours by one person, rather than 200 pounds and needing 2 men for about a week and a half. That sends notices to customers, such as the government agencies and water management districts about what is happening so they can avert disaster. This can also be of great benefit to hotels, country clubs, and HOAs.

Also, interested parties can purchase reports regarding data from the past. For example, the Gulf Coast states who were affected by the Red Tide are starting to contact their insurance companies for reimbursement of damages. These insurance companies will want to investigate and prove damages. Part of that process is retrieving historical data.

The product is in testing now and is looking for people who are willing to participate. For more information, go to their website.

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Shopping for a new car just got easier with the CarHero professionals

CarHeroAre you in the market for a new car? We all know the process you’re about to go through and we are not envious. The beginning stages of car shopping can be extremely stressful from visiting numerous dealerships, to finding a car salesman that understands your needs. But what if we told you that there is an app that can take away most of that hassle? CarHero might be your savior in this scenario.

CarHero is a mobile application that connects clients with top tier automotive sales professionals in their local area. Every salesperson you’re interacting with through this platform has been handpicked and vetted by CarHero. The application also provides the user/client with a closer look into who they will be working with during their car search through professional profiles of each salesperson. These profiles include a biography with their experience level, average response times, and customer reviews to give you an overview of the salesperson.

All you have to do is launch the app, pick a dealership, choose your professional, and send them a quick message through the app letting them know what you’re looking for and how they can assist you. You do not need to exchange contact information with the salesperson because CarHero has it all. You can even video chat through the app with your selected professional to view cars on the lot and to get a quick demo without stepping foot on the property.

The number one goal of CarHero Co-Founder Ahmed Mourad is to ensure customer satisfaction. He has a lot of experience in automotive sales and knows the process can be tedious. CarHero puts everything you need in one place to help you make your best decision in this process.

CarHero will be launching late Summer 2019 starting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For more information about this application, you can visit their website.

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Specialized AI gives Boson Innovations a clear edge in medical imaging

Boson InnovationsOne of the things that attract us to Collision Conference is the wide range of products and technologies that are exhibited every year. There are so many great new devices and apps that are geared towards entertainment, security, and health. And we love getting a chance to see them all.

For our first interview this year, we were thrilled to learn about some new medical advancements that will help us as patients by first helping our doctors. Traveling to Collision Conference from Mexico, Roberto Montoya, CEO of Boson Innovations, stopped by to show off what his startup, is currently working on. They are seeking to solve problems in the medical industry by adding artificial intelligence to the analysis of medical imaging with their system called SMAIR VISION. This allows doctors to give a more accurate diagnosis, in less time. From the sounds of it, the process could not be easier to integrate into their existing workflow. The doctors will add their normal images, i.e. MRI/X-Ray, to this newly developed platform and with the click of a button, the software will analyze the images by using integrated whole algorithms. The image is then quickly processed and the doctor is given immediate feedback to assist in formulating the diagnosis.

Their platform is still in the early stages, but they have a working prototype that is performing as expected at this time. They are in the process of increasing accuracy and are then planning to add enhancements as testing continues. The product will first be launched in Mexico, where the tests are currently being conducted. They hope to bring it next to the US and Canada, with prospects of eventually being worldwide.

Their mission is to provide doctors with safe and effective medical diagnostic assistance services that encompass multiple types of medical images. A system of this nature will be able to assist in more than 10 different medical specialties, giving doctors and patients, alike, the peace of mind of knowing that they have the proper diagnosis.

Find out more by watching the full interview. For more information and to follow their journey, check out their website.

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Yamaha shows a maneuverable prototype electric scooter with 3 wheels

Yamaha MotorElectric vehicles are quickly becoming a popular place for companies to experiment with unique designs. While electric cars get all of the attention, there are some very interesting things happening in the space. From golf cart style neighborhood vehicles to scooters, electric is all the rage. Yamaha has long had a presence in this space, especially with motorcycles, but is testing some new ideas.

One of those experiments was on display at CES 2019. Rather than what we expect from Yamaha, a two-wheeled vehicle on which you sit, this prototype bucks both of those expectations. Rather than sitting on it like a motorcycle, this is designed to be stood on, like a skateboard or scooter. It also features 3 wheels instead of the more traditional 2 or 4, with 1 in front and 2 in back. Obviously, 3 adds stability over only 2 wheels but gives more maneuverability than 4.

The vehicle is rear wheel drive, meaning that the 2 wheels in the back actually propel the vehicle forward. The front is designed with a handlebar, similar again to a scooter. In the same style, the handlebar controls the positioning of the entire front of the vehicle, giving it the ability to turn quickly and tightly. In the booth, a representative demonstrated how easy it was to steer in a fairly confined space.

As of right now, this device is just a prototype, meaning that it might not come to market as it exists today. Like cars, a concept vehicle is simply a way for engineers to experiment with concepts. The company expects to test the vehicles in Japan this year, though they do not have a timeline for a wide release, either in Japan or overseas. To see all of the development on this and other vehicles, check out the company’s website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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John Deere shows off how GPS, cloud, AI, and more help farmers daily

John DeereWhat many people do not know is that one of the most technology infused industries in the world is farming. Most modern farming would be completely impossible without the unbelievably large and powerful machines that reside on farms. The leader in farming machinery, as well as computing, is John Deere, a name that even non-farmers are familiar with. The company was at CES 2019 to show how technology that is just barely emerging in consumer technology has been used for farming for a while.

The best example of a technology in use for agriculture that is just making its way to the consumer market is self-driving vehicles. Farmers have been using incredibly large self-driving machinery for years to both plant and harvest fields. Using incredibly precise onboard GPS, this 20-ton machine is able to steer around a field with an accuracy of 2.5 centimeters. This level of precision is essential in agriculture, as a small variation can be the difference between harvesting and destroying a field.

Some of the more recent versions of these machines are able to learn all about a field on its own, using over 100 sensors. Connecting these sensors to the cloud, farmers are able to keep track of the job being done and the quality of the job being performed. Combined with the precise GPS driving, these machines are just shy of being able to set them in the field and walk away.

One of the most interesting advancements in agricultural machinery is the ability for them to be truly multipurpose. In fact, they are referred to as factories on wheels. After a tuning process, they can be used for an entire process, from harvesting grain to separating it with intense detail. Essentially, when the machines come back from the field, the grains can be ready to run into a silo and sold or used.

Whether or not you’re a farmer, there is a lot of exciting technology to learn about at John Deere’s website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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Coral One is a dual purpose robot vacuum that protects your privacy

Coral RobotsIt seems that everyone is wanting to buy a robotic vacuum these days. They’re great for households with pets who shed, homes with a lot of traffic in and outside, or really just about anyone. The problem with the concept is that there are always going to be places that the robot cannot reach. For example, they’re not going to clean your stairs. That means that you’re still going to have to keep another vacuum in the house for those harder to reach areas. The Coral One is a robot vacuum that helps to solve that issue.

Unlike other products in this category, the Coral One is actually two products in one. Obviously, it is an autonomous vacuum cleaner, but it features a handheld cleaner on the top. When you need to clean the stairs, or maybe get pet hair off of your bedspread, simply pull the handheld vacuum off of the top of the device and take care of what you need. Once you’re done, return the piece to the top of the robot and you’re done.

Like other robotic vacuums, the Coral One initially maps your home. However, the company takes a different approach to the process. While many other companies take the imagery and layout that they scan and upload them to remote servers, Coral does not. Focusing on privacy, the mapping process does not include any cameras but instead uses infrared and capacitive sensors, plus a collection of proprietary algorithms to determine the house’s layout. Most importantly, the information stays local to the device and is never made available to Coral. This protects your privacy, as video or photography from inside your home could easily reveal your most sensitive times.

The Coral One is available now for $699. For more information on the product, check out the company’s website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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The DJI Osmo Pocket brings their 3-axis gimbal to a one-handed camera

DJI Osmo PocketWhen people think of consumer drones and multirotor copters, they almost certainly go directly to DJI. There is no name more synonymous with the product category, in fact, for both consumers and professionals. One of the reasons that DJI is so popular is the incredible stability of their cameras, care of a very sophisticated gyroscopic stabilizer. The stabilizer is so good at what it does, that the company has decided to bring it outside of the drone and into a new product, the Osmo Pocket.

This new product is a small, handheld video camera is able to record in full UHD 4K resolution, at 60 frames per second. It can record for 140 minutes on a charge, all in an incredibly small body. But, where DJI really sets the Osmo Pocket apart from the crowded is by bringing their 3-axis gimbal to the camera. This single feature makes the camera incredibly attractive for all sorts of video creators.

The most obvious usage is for amateur sports videography. Whether you’re running up and down your kids’ soccer pitch or filming your friends’ newest skateboard trick, this is a great camera. It’s because of the stabilization. You can literally run with the camera and the gimbal can keep the frame level and steady. All of this is made possible while still managing to pack everything into a single-handed design.

The gimbal is mechanical but digitally controlled. This gives the camera the ability to do some great capabilities that you simply cannot get with a generic gimbal. For example, ActiveTrack, a feature which allows you to tap on a subject on the screen and the camera will continue to follow the subject as it moves, as well as while the camera moves. Again, this makes following a kid’s soccer game or skateboarding video far easier to film.

The DJI Osmo Pocket is available now for $349, and can be found in accessory bundles, as well.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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Blue Microphones shrinks their popular Yeti, and adds a new Ember

Blue MicrophonesFor new media, including podcasting and game streaming, one brand of microphones is nearly everywhere: Blue Microphones. From the Yeti to the Snowball, it seems that these microphones are everywhere. Since the company’s original microphone designer, Skipper Wise left to pursue other projects, the product lineup has begun to expand quickly. At this CES, the company was showing off a few of those newer products.

In addition to the popular Yeti microphone, Blue has introduced the Yeti Nano. This product made it to market at the end of 2018 and has really begun to find its market. The Nano has a similar design to the standard Yeti, but with a smaller footprint. It offers two of the four modes on the Yeti, both cardioid and omnidirectional, but sheds the stereo and bidirectional modes. The biggest difference, though, is the color palette. While the Yeti is generally known for its subdued colors, the Yeti Nano features bright red, blue, and gold as options.

Blue might be best known in the consumer space for their USB microphones, but the company got started because Skipper disliked every studio mic he had ever used and designed exactly what he wanted. Following in that almost 25-year legacy is the new Ember. This microphone is powered over XLR, meaning that it is intended for proper studio recording. It is a features a cardioid pickup, with a front-facing condenser capsule. This mic will be perfect for a full studio build out, versus the Yeti or Yeti Nano, which are really designed to enhance an existing desk with a quick and easy setup. As with the majority of studio microphones, it ships in a single color: dark grey.

The Blue Yeti Nano is available now with a suggested price of $99 but can be found for as low as $79 on Amazon. The Blue Ember is also available now for $99.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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Podcasters and musicians alike Shure are going to love these new mics

Shure MicrophonesOf all of the products that we love on the CES show floor, microphones are certainly near the top of the list, for obvious reasons. So we were really excited to see the new technology at Shure’s booth this year. Shure has been in the market since 1925. They specialize in wired and wireless microphones, personal monitor systems, conferencing solutions, and a host of other audiophile products. Their newest product, a part of Shure’s Motive line, is the MV88 Mic. It is a stereo microphone, which you can plug into your smartphone for convenient use. The product comes with a stand and phone attachment, allowing you to take video with your phone while getting optimal quality sound from the stereo microphone. When you plug the MV 88 into your smartphone, it automatically takes over as the default mic and the installed app pops right up on the screen and you’re ready to make adjustments and start recording. It will default to stereo mode but you can adjust the width of how wide or narrow you are trying to cover and change it to cardioid or bi-directional.

Shure created an app to go along with the MV 88, although you can use your default app or an app produced by another company, as well. You can record and edit your sound with the Shure Motive Audio App, making adjustments to both your sound and video quality. You can use this software to change both the sample rate of the audio and the audio file type.

When recording in stereo, the app lets you adjust your sound to your specifications. You can also set presets for your sound quality choices within the app. Making changes is as quick and easy as the touch of a button or slide of your finger across the touchscreen. It remembers all of the changes you have made and will already be set to your specifications the next time you use it. The MV88 kit sells for $249.00 and you can get yours now on Amazon Prime.

Shure also produces the microphone Daniele is using in the video. The KSM8 is a nickel-plated, dual-diaphragm microphone. It has a wide frequency, so it picks up your voice without struggling to find the perfect spot to stand or hold the microphone. This microphone sells for $499.00 and is also available on Amazon Prime.

You can find out more about these microphones and the entire Shure line by visiting their website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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