Tag Archives: facial recognition

FaceMe allows for a more personal product experience @ CES 2021

FaceMe by CyberLinkAt CES 2020, we had the opportunity to be introduced to FaceMe by CyberLink. While most people think of CyberLink because of its video-related software, FaceMe takes that video processing knowledge and applies it to one of the most sought after aspects of connected devices – facial detection and recognition.

There has been a lot of talk over the past year about facial recognition and how it can be abused. Generally, the two ways we have seen the technology misused has been in inappropriate implementations and openly accessible data. FaceMe helps to address the concerns through its technology setup. While many systems require uploading images to a centralized server, FaceMe is an entirely closed system. This design allows for companies to create unique experiences while still valuing privacy.

The product came about almost accidentally. It was originally created as a part of another product called YouCam Makeup. This product was designed to allow for virtual makeup trials, which obviously needed the ability to recognize and distinguish a face and its features. After the success of YouCam Makeup, the company saw the value that the underlying technology could hold for themselves and others.

Because FaceMe is designed to be able to be used nearly anywhere, it means that it can help enhance lots of products and services. A developer could use it to create another virtualization product, like what we see with Snapchat filters. Or, a developer could use it to allow for individualization of products, like a pill dispenser. Imagine having a single dispenser in a home and, using embedded technology, can determine who is at the machine in order to only give them their medications.

If you are interested in learning more about FaceMe or engaging CyberLink on integrating the software into your platform, check out the product’s website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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