Category Archives: Video

Eyetech unveils new eye-tracking technology

eyetechEyetech, is company that focuses on the natural user interface, specializing in eye-tracking technology. This isn’t a type of technology that is new — you may have used it in such devices as the Kinect, which utilizes both voice and gestures to control your Xbox.

The new hardware can be imbedded into other devices — it’s essentially a large chip. It tracks eye movement, but the software can actually be removed so that the device can be licensed out to other companies.  There are security implications involved with this technology, and you will need to check out the whole video below to find out exactly what is going and what you should expect from this tech in the future.


Interview by Don Baine, the Gadget Professor and Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network

Todd Cochrane – CES 2014 Host Introduction

I’m Todd Cochane of Geek News Central. I am also the CEO of RawVoice the parent company of and the Tech Podcast Network. This will be my 9th year covering International CES and as always I am excited to be at the show. Take a few minutes and watch the video to get some background on me and the team that will be coming to cover CES.

Livestream Introduces Live Streaming over Verizon 4G LTE

LivestreamDuring the live stream coverage of CES 2013, Geek News Central as part of the Tech Podcast Network used Livestream. Livestream introduced a new product during CES. The product is a part of their broadcast unit family. It will allow someone to broadcast live without any wired or wireless connection. It uses Verizon’s 4G LTE connection to do the streaming instead.

All you need is a camera, a HDMI cable and the broadcast unit. The broadcast unit will have a built-in lithium battery which will provide up to three hours of live streaming per charge. Prior to CES getting into full swing the Livestream team was getting a great connection. As with any network connection, speeds may vary depending on how congested the network is and the strength of the signal.

At this point there is no pricing available but they hope to have the units available early Q2. There will also probably be a fee from Verizon but at this point the fee is unknown. If you do a lot of live streaming in the field and have a Verizon contract then this is definitely something you will want to look into.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network.


Red Touch Media: New Ways to Get Media to Customers

Red Touch Media at CES
Red Touch Media at CES

If you are a media creator that needs to get a screenplay across or a production company that wants people to screen your newest movie then Red Touch Media is for you. Heck, if you are a person that wants to download a movie or song then Red Touch Media is for you.

Working on 3 parts, Red Touch Media can make your media available and do it securely. The three tiers to Red Touch Media are Bridge, Express and Connect.

Red Touch Media has kiosks all over the world. You can walk up to a kiosk and download your media to whatever device you need it on. Movies, music or just a document that you might have forgotten at the office.

I sat down with Wayne Scoles to find out more on this concept


Video by Jeffrey Powers of

Belkin turns your iPad into a Media Player

Belkin, a company who has been known for its routers, is branching out into other areas, not for the first time. Now the company wants to turn your iPad into a personal media player that you carry around. Not that iOS was not already capable of that, but Belkin want to enhance it.

The device comes in the form of a case and much of what it does is enhance sound level and quality — something Apple seems to struggle with. Although, to be fair, many other mobile devices do as well.

The cover, named the Thunderstorm, not only adds an enhanced speaker, but also a stand, to help with your movie viewing. The case is available now, although the Lightening Connect version is not. It retails for $199.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network.


3M Projector with HML Support

3M HML Projector
3M HML Projector

Just like with the 3M Projector with Roku Streaming Stick, this projector is for the businessperson. It does have a HML support feature so you can connect your mobile device to project the screen.


The HML Projector from 3M also contains 60 lumens and a 2 hour battery.

Sony Handycams HDR-PJ790, HDR-PJ430V

Sony came out with a few new models of Handycams with new features at CES. We saw them at Digital Experience.


Sony released the HandyCam PJ790 camera with 24.1 MP sensor. The camera also has a projector so you can show people what you recorded. However if you need to connect another device to the projector the new dual HDMI connection will let you do so.

The HDR-PJ790 is available for Pre-Order $1599


We also take a look at the HDR-PJ430V which for an additional price you can get the Wifi dongle that can turn your iOS or Android device into a remote control.

Snapcuts Supplies Video Clips to Create Video Messages

Bee Ottinger from Snapcuts joins us on CES TPN Live coverage. She talks about how SnapCuts can be used to put together a video card. From simple thanks, to congratulations, and much more.

They use video clips that are in the public domain – and there is a lot in the public domain (check out They create clips, which you can browse over at their website. When you find a clip you want to use, just put it in the video pane on the bottom.

When done, send off your message to friends and loved ones. The site is free – just register and start using Snapcuts. The site is still in beta and adding new clips all the time.

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine and Andy Smith of Geocaching World.


Gunnar Digital Performance Eyewear

Gunnar Phenom EyewareGunnar‘s digital performance eyewear is a range of spectacles designed for people who spend too much time in front of a screen. Typically stylish and yellow-lensed, Todd occasionally wears a pair of Gunnars while doing the GNC show.

Joe Croft dropped in to show off the latest specs and Gunnar currently has a four-way line-up with Advanced Computer, Advanced Gaming, Premium 3D and Advanced Outdoor eyewear. As you might guess, three out of the four are primarily for indoor use only.

The eyewear is for those people who use computer screens all day and the glasses help with the typical symptoms of prolonged computer use, such as a lowering in the blink rate leading to dry eyes, tired eye muscles from short range focussing and poor light quality from fluorescent lights. The technology in Gunnar glasses addresses each of those issues to make the eyes more comfortable while using a computer screen.

The new Spring 2012 collection is now out at . Prices from $80 – $300 for standard lenses. Budget up to $700 for custom prescription lenses from Zeiss.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Steve Lee of Netcast Studio for the TechPodcast Network.


Dyyno – Profitable Video Distribution

Dyyno – Profitable Video Distribution

Dyyno is a media streaming platform that is there to help customers make money from videos they have the rights to. They’re abilities support PC or Mac and Dyyno was the first company to have content streaming live on Roku. Dyyno is also available on the iPad, Samsung platforms, and Android based platforms. Dyyno has the ability to set customers up with their own Roku channel and expand their ability to market their video products.

Interview by Andy McCaskey of SDRNews for the TechPodcast Network.
