TonDone: The easiest way to manage your facility services @ CES 2022

TonDone facilities managementIf you own a business, you know that there are some jobs that are really difficult to feel like you understand. Managing facility services, such as janitorial needs, can be a real challenge. For most of us, we simply have to trust that the job is getting done. We’re not around when it happens, and we don’t quite understand all of the details that go into the job. For those that provide the service, it’s even more important to know exactly what is going on at your clients’ offices. Fortunately, TonDone has created a product that gives everyone a better look into what is and is not happening in their offices.

What is TonDone?

TonDone is the solution to all of your facility service needs. With their mobile app, you can manage your team, get alerts from IoT devices, and control your business operations from your mobile device. TonDone makes work management simple so that you can focus on what you do best – running your business!

You’ll be blown away by how much TonDone can help streamline your business processes. From alerts sent straight to your phone to an intuitive mobile app designed with contractors in mind, TonDone has everything you need to take charge of your facility services. It is changing how businesses operate, making it easier than ever to track work, control costs, and delight customers with an amazing level of service.

How does TonDone work?

TonDone embraces the Internet of Things, creating a physical network of devices that help with proof of work. Using Near-Field Communication (NFC) tags, owners can verify that their facilities staff and contractors have physically been to the location, that they were there at the right time, and doing what is expected.

Of course, tracking the data is only part of the equation. Without reporting services, that data is completely useless. TonDone’s reporting services make it easy to get data out of the TonDone system and into a format that you can use to improve your business.

The system has an advanced reporting system that allows you to keep track of all of your staffers and contractors in near to real-time on your phone, computer, or tablet. This allows business owners and cleaning companies to keep track of what is happening, but also look for ways to improve the customer experience.

What are the benefits of TonDone?

The combination of tracking and reporting allows for a better understanding of your business. When your business is taking care of the offices of others, there are a lot of ways to improve the customer experience. Looking for efficiencies can keep the time down, as well as potentially the cost. You might also be able to identify employees and contractors that need more training because the amount of time they are taking on a project is far outside of your estimates and expectations.


TonDone is available now and in use by management with their clients. To learn more about the platform, get a demo, or try it for yourself, head over to the company’s website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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