Gospel Gadgets Podcast

God Network News - YWAM

By Create International



Media4Movements with Fara, pt2

April 26, 2021

In this episode, Media4Movements with Fara, pt2, our sister working with Muslims in the Indian Ocean shares with us how God is using different forms of gospel media and gospel gadgets to lead many M


GGPEpi#58 – “Media4Movements with Fara, pt1”

April 19, 2021

In this episode, Media4Movements with Fara, pt1, our sister working with Muslims in the Indian Ocean shares with us how God is using different forms of gospel media and gospel gadgets to lead many M


GGPEpi#57 – “Media4Movements in Madagascar, pt4”

April 12, 2021

In this episode, Media4Movements in Madagascar, pt4, Francis shares with us how God is using different forms of gospel media and gospel gadgets to lead many Unreached tribal peoples to Christ. We ta


GGPEpi#56 – “Media4Movements in Madagascar, pt3”

April 05, 2021

In this episode, Media4Movements in Madagascar, pt3, Francis shares with us how God is using different forms of gospel media and gospel gadgets to lead many Unreached tribal peoples to Christ. We ta


GGPEpi#55 – “Media4Movements in Madagascar, pt2”

March 29, 2021

In this episode, Media4Movements in Madagascar, pt2, Francis shares with us how God is using different forms of gospel media and gospel gadgets to lead many Unreached tribal peoples to Christ. We ta


GGPEpi#54 – “Media4Movements in Madagascar, pt1”

March 22, 2021

n this episode, Media4Movements in Madagascar, pt1, Francis shares with us how God is using different forms of gospel media and gospel gadgets to lead many Unreached tribal peoples to Christ. Franci


GGPEpi#53 – “Media4Movements in Malawi”

March 17, 2021

In this episode, Media4Movements in Malawi, Joseph shares with us how God is using different forms of gospel media and gospel gadgets to lead many Muslims to follow Jesus. Joseph and I talk about th


GGPEpi#52 – “You can reach the Unreached Online!”

August 11, 2020

My co-host Carol recent published an incredible research paper sighting gospel media resources and Social Media tools that anyone can learn and implement for free or very inexpensively to reach literally thousands of Unreached peoples.


GGPEpi#51 – “Using Your Smartphone to Create Gospel Films”, part 3

August 04, 2020

In this episode of Gospel Gadget Podcast we interview a young lady who is traveling the world equipping indigenous people to use their smartphones to produce short gospel films. Angela works with GNPI (Good News Productions International) training thei...


GGPEpi#50 – “Using Your Smartphone to Create Gospel Films”, part 2

July 28, 2020

In this episode of Gospel Gadget Podcast we interview a young lady who is traveling the world equipping indigenous people to use their smartphones to produce short gospel films. Angela works with GNPI (Good News Productions International) training thei...


GGPEpi#49 – “Using Your Smartphone to Create Gospel Films”, part 1

July 23, 2020

In this episode of Gospel Gadget Podcast we interview a young lady who is traveling the world equipping indigenous people to use their smartphones to produce short gospel films. Angela works with GNPI (Good News Productions International) training thei...


GGPEpi#48 – Media2Movements in Africa, pt.2

June 11, 2019

We interview one of the leading practitioners of M2M or Media to Movements. Candice works with a well known radio ministry TWR. As a Millennial leader in her organization she brings together traditional media coupled with native experience with Social ...


GGPEpi#47 – Media2Movements in Africa, pt.1

June 04, 2019

We interview one of the leading practitioners of M2M or Media to Movements. Candice works with a well known radio ministry TWR. As a Millennial leader in her organization she brings together traditional media coupled with native experience with Social ...


GGPEpi#46 – Why, Wifi?, pt.2

May 14, 2019

We interview one of the leading producers and distributors of Wifi media broadcast units. This brother has trained hundreds of missionaries working with Unreached Peoples how to utilize this kind of technology in their evangelism and church planting wo...


GGPEpi#45 – Why, Wifi?, pt.1

April 30, 2019

We interview one of the leading producers and distributors of Wifi media broadcast units. This brother has trained hundreds of missionaries working with Unreached Peoples how to utilize this kind of technology in their evangelism and church planting wo...


GGPEpi#44 – The Lightstream Pocket

August 08, 2018

Power on the LightStream Pocket and any nearby cell phone can connect to the WiFi hotspot and browse through the “netflix-like” user interface to select and download or stream the Christian media stored on the device.


GGPEpi#43 – The Connect Box

August 08, 2018

ConnectBox are self-contained, self- powered, WiFi based portable media distribution system. It allows users to create a full featured ‘digital library’ from which media (text, video, audio, applications) can be shared on mobile phones, tablets,


GGPEpi#42 – The Dove Stream

August 08, 2018

The DoveStream is an affordable device that can wirelessly transmit evangelism materials including video and audio files. A Battery powered, portable design, light and small enough for you to take anywhere Wireless N speed up to 150Mbps With a powerful...


GGP Epi#41 – New Gospel Gadgets – The Pastorbox

July 16, 2018

We are starting a series on “New Gospel Gadgets” that have emerged in just the past couple of years. The first devise we will review is the “Pastorbox” made by Cybermission. Ariana a volunteer at Cybermissions describes the use and the functionality of...


GGP Epi#40 – Using Media and Mobile Technology to Reach the Middle East Part II

April 30, 2018

In this episode we interview a brother who is working in a very unreached part of the Middle East. He works among one of the most radical Muslim people groups on the planet. He is experiencing incredible favor and fruitfulness using Media created speci...


GGP Epi#39 – Using Media and Mobile Technology to Reach the Middle East Part I

April 30, 2018

In this episode we interview a brother who is working in a very unreached part of the Middle East. He works among one of the most radical Muslim people groups on the planet. He is experiencing incredible favor and fruitfulness using Media created speci...


GGP Epi#38 – Using Wireless Technology to Reach the Unreached Part II

April 30, 2018

In this episode we interview a missionary evangelist working in East Asia using a wireless devise called the “Dove Stream”. This devise can be loaded with #gospelfilms in the language of the people, and once started up it creates it’s own WiFi Network....


GGP Epi#37 – Using Wireless Technology to Reach the Unreached Part I

April 30, 2018

In this episode we interview a missionary evangelist working in East Asia using a wireless devise called the “Dove Stream”. This devise can be loaded with #gospelfilms in the language of the people, and once started up it creates it’s own WiFi Network....


GGP Episode #36 – Producing Animated Films to Share the Gospel with the Unreached.

February 14, 2018

In the episode of Gospel Gadgets Podcast, Dave Hudson shares all of his secrets behind how to produce professional quality animated films using cheap or free software. How is it possible that a small team of skilled creatives can craft a media tool in ...


GGP Episode #35 – Guerrilla Style Film Production to Share the Gospel Cross-Culturally

February 14, 2018

In the episode of Gospel Gadgets Podcast, Ben McClure who works with Create International, shares the insights that he has gathered through years of producing cross-cultural films on a shoe-string budget. Ever wonder how ministries like this can pull o...


Episode #34 Innovative Gospel Gadgets for the Remote: the Story of Renew Outreach Ministry

November 20, 2017

In this episode of Gospel Gadget Podcast we interview two technology missionaries working to invent and distribute “Gospel Gadgets” for missions work among the unreached. Their ministry is call, “Renew Outreach” and they have produced numerous solar po...


Episode #33 Making Indigenous Films

November 20, 2017

In this episode of Gospel Gadget Podcast we interview a “Media Missionary” producing gospel films among unreached people groups. He shares about his adventures as he follows God into some of the spiritually darkest places in the world.


Episode #32 Using Digital Media on SD Cards

July 22, 2016

In this episode of Gospel Gadget Podcast we interview a missionary working in a very restricted Muslim country where persecution of Christians is the norm. Our brother is using SD card technology with a new innovative twist to bring the Good News to pe...


Episode #31 Welcome to the New Gospel Gadget Podcast

July 22, 2016

Welcome to our new Gospel Gadget Podcast format. We have listened to you our audience and because of your overwhelming interest in technology which can be used to share the gospel with people who have never heard of Jesus we have made some changes to o...


Episode #44 [Vidcast] – Mega Media Resource Website!

May 29, 2014

Following along our Gospel content path, today we look at an amazing new website called, “www.indigitube.tv”. This is a mega Gospel content hosting and distribution portal. It contains Gospel full length films, short films, music videos, animations,


Episode #43 [Vidcast] – Content is King!

May 29, 2014

Over the past few episodes we have been looking at content distribution technologies. Now we want to take a look at a new training package simply called, “The Evangelism Tool-kit”. This is a training package that includes video tutorials,


Episode #41 [Vidcast] – How Do I Use This thing?

May 29, 2014

challenge is to teach missionaries how to use it. This can be the hardest part of the process, but of course it is the most important part! If you spend literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop a beautiful api with an attractive and engagi...


Episode #40 [Vidcast] – Pioneers of Media for Missions

May 29, 2014

Arguably the “Pioneers” of Media for Mission, the Jesus Film people have always been on the cutting edge of innovation to evangelized the world! Although their “flag ship” content is a 40 year old film made for a US audience,


Episode #39 [Vidcast] – Apps for Africa

May 29, 2014

A mission agency by the name of “Kolo Group”, have produced the first ever iPhone and Android enabled App which brings the Gospel message to millions of people on the continent of Africa. The App simply called “Kolo Africa” contains thousands of differ...


Episode #38 [Vidcast] – Renew Outreach

May 29, 2014

Renew Outreach is a for-profit company which specializes in developing and distributing new innovative mobile devises to broadcast gospel media to the Unreached. Large solar backpacks, portable mini-projection kits, and wifi enabled portable devises,


Episode #30 – The Dark Side of Mobile Devises

May 29, 2014

Often we are discussing how mission agencies are utilizing technology to spread the message of Christ around the world. But today we take a look at the sinister way in which terrorist groups, like Al Qaida,


Episode #36 [Vidcast] – Dimitri and the Russian iPod

May 29, 2014

Another hilarious gadget minute from our favorite Ex-KGB agent, Dimitri. Learn how the Russians had their own iPod many years before we got this technology in the West! Dimitri reveals this gadget and demonstrates its amazing capabilities.


Episode #35 [Vidcast] - Dimitri and the Secret Devise

May 29, 2014

Back by popular demand is another episode from Dimitri the ex-KGB agent gadget guy! Enjoy this hilarious rant as Dimitri introduces us to his latest gadget “The Secret Devise”. Enjoy!

Please visit our God Network News profile page. This is most likely the first page that you will see when you respond to any of my invitations or messages to you about new episodes of our podcast. For many of you this may be the first time you have heard of a podcast. A podcast is an audio or video file that is accessible through an RSS feed. Like a newspaper that is delivered to your front door, a podcast can be delivered to your computer once you subscribe to it. Each time a new episode is uploaded your computer will be notified that it is available for you to download. Simple hey!

Just subscribe http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=157335386 that’s all there is to it!

If you’re tired of listening to what the big news agencies are feeding you? Then check out, God Network News, and find out what He is doing in the world today in missions. You won’t hear this on CNN! (YWAM – Youth With A Mission)


Episode #34 [Vidcast] - Dimitri and Sound Effects

May 29, 2014

Welcome to our new Gospel Gadgets Podcast location. Back by popular demand is another episode from Dimitri the ex-KGB agent gadget guy! Enjoy this hilarious rant as Dimitri introduces us to his latest gadget “The Sound Effects Generator”. Enjoy!

Please visit our God Network News profile page. This is most likely the first page that you will see when you respond to any of my invitations or messages to you about new episodes of our podcast. For many of you this may be the first time you have heard of a podcast. A podcast is an audio or video file that is accessible through an RSS feed. Like a newspaper that is delivered to your front door, a podcast can be delivered to your computer once you subscribe to it. Each time a new episode is uploaded your computer will be notified that it is available for you to download. Simple hey!

Just subscribe http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=157335386 that’s all there is to it!

If you’re tired of listening to what the big news agencies are feeding you? Then check out, God Network News, and find out what He is doing in the world today in missions. You won’t hear this on CNN! (YWAM – Youth With A Mission)


Episode #33 [Vidcast] - Dimitri and the Extractor

May 29, 2014

Welcome to our new Gospel Gadgets Podcast location. As we explained in our last episode we have moved to our new location under the umbrella of God Network News Podcasts. We are proud to be a member of this association and we look forward to partnering with other similar podcasts in the near future.

But for now, back by popular demand is another episode from Dimitri the ex-KGB agent gadget guy! Enjoy this hilarious rant as Dimitri introduces us to his latest gadget “The Extractor”. Enjoy!

Please visit our God Network News profile page. This is most likely the first page that you will see when you respond to any of my invitations or messages to you about new episodes of our podcast. For many of you this may be the first time you have heard of a podcast. A podcast is an audio or video file that is accessible through an RSS feed. Like a newspaper that is delivered to your front door, a podcast can be delivered to your computer once you subscribe to it. Each time a new episode is uploaded your computer will be notified that it is available for you to download. Simple, hey?

Just subscribe http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=157335386 that’s all there is to it!

If you’re tired of listening to what the big news agencies are feeding you? Then check out, God Network News, and find out what He is doing in the world today in missions. You won’t hear this on CNN! (YWAM – Youth With A Mission)


Episode #18 [Vidcast] - Testimony from India

May 28, 2014

A great testimony from a short-term team from Brazil working in India. This video not only shows the language and cultural struggles that a team has working in India; but it also demonstrates in a dynamic way the effectiveness of using portable media players and appropriate evangelistic films! This is a must see! If you would like to get some of these evangelistic films down-loadable for free go to: www.indigitech.net Surf to our homepage and check it out!

Please visit our God Network News profile page. This is most likely the first page that you will see when you respond to any of my invitations or messages to you about new episodes of our podcast. For many of you this may be the first time you have heard of a podcast. A podcast is an audio or video file that is accessible through an RSS feed. Like a newspaper that is delivered to your front door, a podcast can be delivered to your computer once you subscribe to it. Each time a new episode is uploaded your computer will be notified that it is available for you to download. Simple hey!

Just subscribe http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=157335386 that’s all there is to it!

If you’re tired of listening to what the big news agencies are feeding you? Then check out, God Network News, and find out what He is doing in the world today in missions. You won’t hear this on CNN! (YWAM – Youth With A Mission)


Episode #47 - There’s a Sheep in my Bathtub - chp. 20-25

May 28, 2014

Back by popular demand! Chapter 20-25 of “There’s a sheep in my bathtub”, is read by the author of this new book, Brian Hogan. Get your own copy of this dynamic new book. It’s a great read! Surf to our homepage and check it out!

Please visit our God Network News profile page. This is most likely the first page that you will see when you respond to any of my invitations or messages to you about new episodes of our podcast. For many of you this may be the first time you have heard of a podcast. A podcast is an audio or video file that is accessible through an RSS feed. Like a newspaper that is delivered to your front door, a podcast can be delivered to your computer once you subscribe to it. Each time a new episode is uploaded your computer will be notified that it is available for you to download. Simple hey!

Just subscribe http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=157335386 that’s all there is to it!

If you’re tired of listening to what the big news agencies are feeding you? Then check out, God Network News, and find out what He is doing in the world today in missions. You won’t hear this on CNN! (YWAM – Youth With A Mission)

Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GodNetworkNews

For more information contact: calseeum@gmail.com http://www.createinternational.com/ http://www.global2020vision.com/
