Day in Tech History

Daily rundown of tech history

By Jeffrey Powers


October 23, 2001: Apple iPod is Announced

October 23, 2024

2011 Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson was released on Kindle and iBookstore, with a full release at Midnight. The book was planned to be released a lot later. However due to Jobs health, they pushed i


October 22, 2009: Microsoft Released Windows 7, Server 2008 R2

October 22, 2024

2009 Microsoft released not only the Windows 7 Operating system, but also Server 2008 R2 (as mentioned on the Windows 7 team blog). Although there are many versions of Windows OS, Windows 7 stood fo


October 21, 1949: Wang Patents Magnetic Ferrite Core Memory

October 21, 2024

1949 -An Wang files a patent for magnetic core memory using ferrite. It was entitled pulse transfer controlling devices. This was the first sign and the rise of Wang industries a company that woul


October 19, 1985: First Blockbuster Opens

October 19, 2024

1985 The first Blockbuster opens its doors in Dallas, TX by David Cook. The 29 year old store owner eventually sold it to Scott Beck, John Melk and Wayne Huizenga. Eventually it becomes a nation-wi


October 18, 1931: Passing of Thomas Alva Edison

October 18, 2024

A lot happened on this day that Thomas Edison was responsible for. In1878, Edison brought electricity into the home.1879Edison manufacturers the first incandescent light bulb, which was tested on O


October 17, 1985: Intel 80386DX Processor Released

October 17, 2024

1985 Intel released the 80386 DX processor. The 275,000 transistor chip was a big jump from the 20 MHz 286. It contained the ability to address up to 4 GB of memory and had a bigger instruction set.


October 16, 1923: Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio

October 16, 2024

1923 90 years ago, Walt and Roy Disney start what is known as the Walt Disney Company. It started as the Disney Brothers Cartoon studio. Walt Disney created a short film entitled Alices Wonderland.


October 15, 1985: IBM Announces Token Ring Network

October 15, 2024

1985 IBM announced, with co-developer Texas Instruments, the Token Ring network along with PC Network software six months ahead of schedule. The Token Ring only did network transmission speed of 4


October 14,1986: Open Source ZModem Released

October 14, 2024

1986 Telenet funded a project to develop an improved public domain application to application file transfer protocol. This protocol would alleviate the throughput problems their network customers we


October 13, 1999: Priceline Lawsuit on Microsoft, Expedia

October 13, 2024

1999 Priceline filed a lawsuit against Microsoft and its Expedia travel service. The suit outlined how they violated U.S. patent number 5,794,207, Method and Apparatus for a Cryptographically Assist


October 12, 1988: Steve Jobs Introduces NeXT Computer

October 12, 2024

1988 Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco, California. Steve Jobs shows off the NeXT Computer featuring the Motorola 68030 microprocessor at 25 MHz. The computer introduces several new features incl


October 11, 1979: Visicalc – First Killer PC App Released

October 11, 2024

1979 Visicalc is released by Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston. The spreadsheet application is called the first killer app for personal computers. It turned the PC from a hobby to a business tool. The s


October 10, 1980: Pac Man North American Release

October 10, 2024

1980 The video game that changed it all debut in North America. The infamous yellow pie chart gobbling up little dots and avoiding ghosts for top scores was released to the Japanese arcades in May, b


October 9, 1998: Hayes Microcomputer Filed Chapter 11

October 09, 2024

1998 We all remember the modem, right? Dial into the internet through an ISP? Some of you may still have that technology, but if you have dealt with modems for a while, you remember Hayes. The Hayes


October 8, 1991: Apple vs. Apple is Settled

October 08, 2024

1991 The second lawsuit of Apple vs. Apple was settled: Apple computers vs. Apple records (the Beatles label). The suit was about producing music. Of course there was a fine line between the lawsuit


October 7, 1954: Goodbye Vacuum Tube, Hello Transistor

October 07, 2024

1954 IBM created the first calculating machine to use solid-state transistors. This was the first nail in the coffin for vacuum tubes. The end result was a 2,000 transistor calculator no smaller in


October 6, 1997: Michael Dell: “I’d Shut Apple Down”

October 06, 2024

1997 Gil Amelio just was just removed as CEO of Apple. People were calling for Steve Jobs to return, but others thought that would be a bad investment. At a Garner Symposium, Michael Dell was asked


October 5, 2011: Steve Jobs Passes Away

October 05, 2024

2011 Steve Jobs passes away in his home at 3 pm Pacific. He went into respritory failure due to the pancreatic cancer he was fighting for over 10 years. Twitter exploded with over 10,000 tweets per s


October 4, 1979: HP 41c Programmable Calculator

October 04, 2024

Hewlett Packard came out with their first Programmable calculator in 1979. The HP-41c was the first to give alphanumeric display capabilities. It would actually tell you what to do (ex. ENTER RADIUS


October 3: Happy Birthday to the Buffalo Wing!

October 03, 2024

This is an especially Geeky day, for not only in 1955was Captain Kangaroo and the Mickey Mouse Club debuting on CBS and ABC, but in 1964the first Buffalo Wings were made in Buffalo, New York. Hence


October 2, 1997: Worldcom outbid BT – Wins MCI Communications

October 02, 2024

1997 MCI was under a bid to be purchased by British Telecommunications. Worldcom came in and outbid BT to snag up the company. What made this the coup de grace is it would make Worldcom the #2 teleco


October 1, 1979: Ex-Atari Employees Started Activision

October 01, 2024

1979 Activision was founded by four ex-Atari, Inc. game designers: David Crane, Larry Kaplan, Alan Miller and Bob Whitehead. They teamed up with Jim Levy to produce game cartridges for the Atari 2600


September 30, 1889: IBM incorporated – Bundy Manufacturing

September 30, 2024

1889 The Bundy Manufacturing Co., a maker of time recording equipment, is incorporated in Binghamton, N.Y. Willard L. Bundy created a new type of timeclock for business. Bundy Manufacturing Co. Bun


September 29, 2001: Mac OSX “Puma” Releases

September 29, 2024

2001 With one version of the Apple OS X under its belt, Puma or OS X 10.1 is released to the public. Updates would include extended DVD support and the ability to burn DVD RW. There were still


September 28, 2011: Amazon Kindle Fire Debut

September 28, 2024

2011 Jeff Bezos announces a new line of Kindle products including the Kindle Fire. This 10 inch tablet was Amazons rival to the iPad. It ran a version of Android that connected with Amazon store. T


September 27, 1996: Hacker Kevin Mitnick Indicted

September 27, 2024

1996 Famous hacker Kevin Mitnick is indicted on 25 charges for a 2 and a half year hacking spree. Police believed Mitnick had stolen Millions of dollars in software from different corporations. Mitni


September 26, 1914: FTC Established

September 26, 2024

1914 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is formed to regulate business in the US. President Wilson issued this to Trust bust. The FTC is controlled by a 5 member panel that serve in 7 year terms.


September 25, 2006: iWoz (From Computer Geek to Cult Icon) Book

September 25, 2024

2006 The book iWoz: from Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-founded Apple and had Fun Doing it. (**WHEW!**) came out. It was a book that was written to dispel some


September 24, 1998: eBay filed IPO

September 24, 2024

1998 In 3 years since its inception, eBay grew to be a powerful auction site. Therefore, eBay decided to go public. They offered 9 million shares on NASDAQ starting at $18 a share. When all is said


September 23, 1999: Blogger Debuts

September 23, 2024

1999 Its considered the one of the earliest publishing tools, Blogger personal website publishing system by Pyra Labs was released. The software was co-founded by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan. The


September 22, 1999: eBay Auction of $10 Million in Marijuana

September 22, 2024

1999 an ebay user (litterally) puts 500 pounds of Marijuana on the auction block. The auction itself hits up to 10 million dollars. eBay finds out and pulls down the auction, but it does say somethi


September 21, 1994: Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 released

September 21, 2024

1994 Microsoft releases the second version of the Windows NT OS Windows NT 3.5 in two flavors; NT Workstation and NT Server. This replaced NT 3.1 and was the first Windows NT version to have a Ser


September 20, 1954: FORTRAN Code Run for First Time

September 20, 2024

1954 Fortranis a blend from theIBM Mathematical Formula Translating System that started as the assembly language for the IBM 704. Ageneral-purpose,proceduralprogramming language that is suited


September 19, 2011: Netflix Introduces Qwikster

September 19, 2024

2011 Netflix CEO Reed Hastings made one of the biggest blunders of 2011 when he announced not only was the DVD section of Netflix getting a new name, but also that section was up for sale. Qwikster


September 18,1989: NeXTstepOS, 1990: NeXTstation Computers

September 18, 2024

1989 4 years after resigning from Apple, Steve Jobs and his newest company NeXT finally release the NeXTstepOS. It is a Unix based system, with some aspects of BSD and using the Mach kernal. This is


September 17, 2008: Sarah Palin’s Email Hacked

September 17, 2024

2008 -Sarah Palin succumbed to a hacker in a different way through her Yahoo!email. The infiltrator gained access by using common information to reset the password. David Kernell then posted her em


September 16, 1997: Microsoft Purchased WebTV

September 16, 2024

1997 Microsoft purchased WebTV back in April for $425 Million. It didnt take long for the Justice department to clear the purchase, so Microsoft geared down to integrate the WebTV machine. Today,


September 15, 2008: Best Buy Purchased Napster

September 15, 2024

2008 Napster has been trying to solidify their name since they went legit. They forged the way with music downloads in the 1990s but struggled after. Enter Best Buy. They saw the opportunity and lai


September 14, 1973: IBM Antitrust Lawsuit

September 14, 2024

1973 IBM had a suit filed in January of 1972 by Telex. They accused IBM of monopolizing the plug compatible equipment market. This included tape and disk drives, along with other add-on memories.


September 13, 1983: Osbourne Declared Bankruptcy

September 13, 2024

1983 The Osbourne I was a computer introduced by Adam Osbourne in 1981. It featured a Z80 microprocessor and the computer would run at least $1800. However, the computer company did not fair too wel


September 12, 1985: Steve Jobs Leaves Apple to Start NeXT

September 12, 2024

1985 After an interesting power struggle with John Sculley, Steve Jobsdecides to throw in the towel and tenders his resignation at Apple. He announces at the Board meeting he and other low level em


September 11, 2001: 911 Day, 2008: TiVO Announce Phone DVR

September 11, 2024

Remembering 9-11 Day 2008 TiVO and Research in Motion (RIM) announce they will collaborate to give people another option to record their favorite shows. Coming soon, you would be able to set your DV


September 10, 1984: First Genetic Fingerprinting Discovered

September 10, 2024

1984 Alex Jeffreys of Leicester, England noticed and deduced that DNA is a unique item from person to person and could possibly be used to identify someone. Hence, Genetic Fingerprinting was born. A


September 9,1945: First Computer Bug Revealed

September 09, 2024

1945 Grace Hopper is forever immortalized in the computer world as the first person to find a bug in a computer system. Litterally. The bug was a moth in between Relay #70 on Panel F of the Harvar


September 8, 2008: Real Launched RealDVD

September 08, 2024

2008 Real launches a new program that will allow you to put your DVDs and other format movies onto the hard drive. It instantly became a hotbed of controversy as the software raised the question: can


September 7, 1981: DOD’s Illiac IV Retired

September 07, 2024

1981 It was called the Illiac IVILLIAC IV and was the first large parallel processing computer. The computer was first planned by the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency who cont


September 6, 2011: Yahoo! Carol Bartz Fired via Email

September 06, 2024

2011 Carol Bartz sends an email to her (former) staff at Yahoo! To all: I am very sad to tell you that Ive just been fired over the phone by Yahoos Chairman of the board. It has been my pleasure t


September 5, 2007: Lulu sued Hulu over Similar Name

September 05, 2024

2007 is a site that allows people to publish their own books. is an online video site. Still, Lulu felt that Hulu was way too close to their name, so they decided to file a lawsuit


September 4, 2008: Apple Removed “Pull My Finger” Application

September 04, 2024

2008 A letter was published from the creator of Pull my Finger iPhone application from Apple. The program was simple you pull the finger and a sound was created (You can guess the sound). The let


September 3, 1995: AuctionWeb (eBay) Founded

September 03, 2024

1995 The online auction site eBayofficially was founded on this day by Pierre Omidyar, but it was known back then as AuctionWeb. The first auction was for a broken laser pointer. It was sold for
